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Up: 3.6 Customizing MITgcm
Previous: 3.6.4 Parameters: Tracer equations
The model ''clock'' is defined by the variable deltaTClock
(in s) which determines the IO frequencies and is used in tagging
output. Typically, you will set it to the tracer time step for
accelerated runs (otherwise it is simply set to the default time step
deltaT). Frequency of checkpointing and dumping of the model
state are referenced to this clock (see below).
- run duration
The beginning of a simulation is set by specifying a start time (in
s) through the real variable startTime or by specifying an
initial iteration number through the integer variable
nIter0. If these variables are set to nonzero values, the
model will look for a ''pickup'' file pickup.0000nIter0 to
restart the integration. The end of a simulation is set through the
real variable endTime (in s). Alternatively, you can
specify instead the number of time steps to execute through the
integer variable nTimeSteps.
- frequency of output
Real variables defining frequencies (in s) with which output files
are written on disk need to be set up. dumpFreq controls
the frequency with which the instantaneous state of the model is
saved. chkPtFreq and pchkPtFreq control the output
frequency of rolling and permanent checkpoint files, respectively.
See section 1.5.1 Output files for the definition of model state and
checkpoint files. In addition, time-averaged fields can be written
out by setting the variable taveFreq (in s). The precision
with which to write the binary data is controlled by the integer
variable writeBinaryPrec (set it to 32 or
Next: 3.7 Testing
Up: 3.6 Customizing MITgcm
Previous: 3.6.4 Parameters: Tracer equations
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |