Next: 3.7.2 Automated testing
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On many systems, the program can be run with the command:
% cd verification
% ./testreport
which will do the following:
- Locate all ``valid'' test directories. Here, valid tests are
defined to be those directories within the current directory (which
is generally verification) that contain a subdirectory and
file with the names results/output.txt.
- Then within each valid test:
- run genmake2 to produce a Makefile
- build an executable
- run the executable
- compare and the output of the executable with the
contents of certain variables within TESTNAME/results/output.txt
- print and, if requested (with the
-addr=EMAIL_ADDRESS option), send a MIME-encoded email
with the testing results
For further details, please see the MITgcm Developers' HOWTO at:
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |