Next: 3.11.3 Selecting an advection
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Previous: 3.11.1 Advection and tracer
The MITgcm ptracers package (see section 6.3.3 for a more complete discussion
of the ptracers package and section 6.1 for a general introduction to MITgcm
packages) provides pre-coded support for a simple passive tracer with an initial
distribution at simulation time
. The steps required to use this capability
- Activating the ptracers package. This simply requires adding the line ptracers to
the packages.conf file in the code/ directory for the experiment.
- Setting an initial tracer distribution.
Once the two steps above are complete we can proceed to examine how the tracer we have created is
carried by the flow field and what properties of the tracer distribution are preserved under
different advection schemes.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |