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For a heat flux of 800 Wm
and a rotation rate of
plume-scale can be expected to be a few hundred meters guiding our choice of grid
resolution. This in turn restricts the timestep we can take. It is also desirable to
minimise the level of diffusion and viscosity we apply.
For this class of problem it is generally the advective time-scale which restricts
the timestep.
For an extreme maximum flow speed of
, at a resolution of
50 m, the implied maximum timestep for stability,
The choice of
s is a safe 20 percent of this maximum.
Interpreted in terms of a mixing-length hypothesis, a magnitude of Laplacian
diffusion coefficient
is consistent with an eddy velocity of 2 mm s
correlated over 50 m.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |