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This model overlays the dissolved inorganic carbon biogeochemistry
model (the ``dic'' package) over a 2.8
global physical model. The
physical model has 15 levels, and is forced with a climatological
annual cycle of surface wind stresses Trenberth et al. [1989],
surface heat and freshwater fluxes Jiang et al. [1999] with additional
relaxation toward climatological sea surface temperature and salinity
Levitus and T.P.Boyer [1994a,b]. It uses the Gent and and McWilliams
Gent and McWilliams [1990] eddy parameterization scheme, has an implicit
free-surface, implicit vertical diffusion and uses the convective
adjustment scheme. The files for this experiment can be found in
the verification directory under tutorial_global_oce_biogeo.
The biogeochemical model considers the coupled cycles of carbon,
oxygen, phosphorus and alkalinity. A simplified parameterization of
biological production is used, limited by the availability of light
and phosphate. A fraction of this productivity enters the dissolved
organic pool pool, which has an e-folding timescale for
remineralization of 6 months [following Yamanaka and Tajika, 1997].
The remaining fraction of this productivity is instantaneously
exported as particulate to depth [Yamanaka and Tajika, 1997] where it
is remineralized according to the empirical power law relationship
determined by Martin et al [1987]. The fate of carbon is linked to
that of phosphorus by the Redfield ratio. Carbonate chemistry is
explicitly solved Follows et al. [ress] and the air-sea exchange of
is parameterized with a uniform gas transfer coefficient
following Wanninkhof [1992]. Oxygen is also linked to phosphorus by
the Redfield ratio, and oxygen air-sea exchange also follows
Wanninkhof [1992]. For more details see Dutkiewicz et al. [2005].
The example setup described here shows the physical model after 5900
years of spin-up and the biogeochemistry after 2900 years of spin-up.
The biogeochemistry is at a pre-industrial steady-state (atmospheric
ppmv is kept at 278). Five tracers are resolved: dissolved inorganic
carbon (
), alkalinity (
), phosphate (
), dissolved
organic phosphorus (
) and dissolved oxygen (
Figure 3.20:
Modelled annual mean air-sea CO
flux (mol C m
for pre-industrial steady-state. Positive indicates flux of CO
from ocean to the atmosphere (out-gassing),
contour interval is 1 mol C m
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |