Next: 3.4 Building MITgcm
Up: 3. Getting Started with
Previous: 3.2.2 Method 2 -
The ``numerical'' model is contained within a execution environment
support wrapper. This wrapper is designed to provide a general
framework for grid-point models. MITgcmUV is a specific numerical
model that uses the framework. Under this structure the model is split
into execution environment support code and conventional numerical
model code. The execution environment support code is held under the
eesupp directory. The grid point model code is held under the
model directory. Code execution actually starts in the
eesupp routines and not in the model routines. For
this reason the top-level MAIN.F is in the
eesupp/src directory. In general, end-users should not need
to worry about this level. The top-level routine for the numerical
part of the code is in model/src/THE_MODEL_MAIN.F. Here is
a brief description of the directory structure of the model under the
root tree (a detailed description is given in section 3: Code
- doc: contains brief documentation notes.
- eesupp: contains the execution environment source code.
Also subdivided into two subdirectories inc and
- model: this directory contains the main source code.
Also subdivided into two subdirectories inc and
- pkg: contains the source code for the packages. Each
package corresponds to a subdirectory. For example, gmredi
contains the code related to the Gent-McWilliams/Redi scheme,
aim the code relative to the atmospheric intermediate
physics. The packages are described in detail in chapter 6.
- tools: this directory contains various useful tools.
For example, genmake2 is a script written in csh (C-shell)
that should be used to generate your makefile. The directory
adjoint contains the makefile specific to the Tangent
linear and Adjoint Compiler (TAMC) that generates the adjoint code.
The latter is described in detail in part 8.
This directory also contains the subdirectory build_options, which
contains the `optfiles' with the compiler options for the different
compilers and machines that can run MITgcm.
- utils: this directory contains various utilities. The
subdirectory knudsen2 contains code and a makefile that
compute coefficients of the polynomial approximation to the knudsen
formula for an ocean nonlinear equation of state. The
matlab subdirectory contains matlab scripts for reading
model output directly into matlab. scripts contains C-shell
post-processing scripts for joining processor-based and tiled-based
model output. The subdirectory exch2 contains the code needed for
the exch2 package to work with different combinations of domain
- verification: this directory contains the model
examples. See section 3.8.
- jobs: contains sample job scripts for running MITgcm.
- lsopt: Line search code used for optimization.
- optim: Interface between MITgcm and line search code.
Next: 3.4 Building MITgcm
Up: 3. Getting Started with
Previous: 3.2.2 Method 2 -
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |