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3.14.4 Model parameters
Table 3.2:
Model parameters used in the gravity plume experiment.
m s |
acceleration due to gravity |
kg m |
reference density |
K |
expansion coefficient |
m s |
horizontal viscosity |
m s |
vertical viscosity |
0 m s |
(explicit) horizontal diffusion |
0 m s |
(explicit) vertical diffusion |
s |
time step |
m |
vertical grid spacing |
m |
horizontal grid spacing |
The model parameters (Table 3.2) are specified
in input/data and if not assume the default values defined in
model/src/set_defaults.F. A linear equation of state is used,
eosType='LINEAR', but only temperature is active, sBeta=0.E-4. For the given heat flux, , the buoyancy forcing is
m s . Using m, the shelf width, then this
gives a velocity scale of
m s for the
initial front but will accelerate by an order of magnitude over the
slope. The temperature anomaly will be of order
K. The viscosity is constant and gives a Reynolds
number of , using m for the initial front and will be an
order magnitude bigger over the slope. There is no explicit diffusion
but a non-linear advection scheme is used for temperature which adds
enough diffusion so as to keep the model stable. The time-step is set
to s and gives Courant number order one when the flow reaches the
bottom of the slope.
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Up: 3.14 Gravity Plume On
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