Next: 2.13.6 Vertical dissipation
Up: 2.13 Flux-form momentum equations
Previous: 2.13.4 Non-hydrostatic metric terms
Historically, we have represented the SGS Reynolds stresses as simply
down gradient momentum fluxes, ignoring constraints on the stress
tensor such as symmetry.
The lateral viscous stresses are discretized:
(2.126) |
(2.127) |
(2.128) |
(2.129) |
where the non-dimensional factors
define the ``cosine'' scaling with latitude which can be
applied in various ad-hoc ways. For instance,
represent the an-isotropic cosine scaling typically used on the
``lat-lon'' grid for Laplacian viscosity.
It should be noted that despite the ad-hoc nature of the scaling, some
scaling must be done since on a lat-lon grid the converging meridians
make it very unlikely that a stable viscosity parameter exists across
the entire model domain.
The Laplacian viscosity coefficient, (viscAh), has units
. The bi-harmonic viscosity coefficient, (viscA4), has units of
Two types of lateral boundary condition exist for the lateral viscous
terms, no-slip and free-slip.
The free-slip condition is most convenient to code since it is
equivalent to zero-stress on boundaries. Simple masking of the stress
components sets them to zero. The fractional open stress is properly
handled using the lopped cells.
The no-slip condition defines the normal gradient of a tangential flow
such that the flow is zero on the boundary. Rather than modify the
stresses by using complicated functions of the masks and ``ghost''
points (see [3]) we add the boundary stresses as
an additional source term in cells next to solid boundaries. This has
the advantage of being able to cope with ``thin walls'' and also makes
the interior stress calculation (code) independent of the boundary
conditions. The ``body'' force takes the form:
In fact, the above discretization is not quite complete because it
assumes that the bathymetry at velocity points is deeper than at
neighboring vorticity points, e.g.
Next: 2.13.6 Vertical dissipation
Up: 2.13 Flux-form momentum equations
Previous: 2.13.4 Non-hydrostatic metric terms
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |