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The model produces various output files. Depending upon the I/O
package selected (either mdsio or mnc or both as
determined by both the compile-time settings and the run-time flags in
data.pkg), the following output may appear.
The ``traditional'' output files are generated by the mdsio
package. At a minimum, the instantaneous ``state'' of the model is
written out, which is made of the following files:
- U.00000nIter - zonal component of velocity field (m/s and eastward).
- V.00000nIter - meridional component of velocity field (m/s
and northward).
- W.00000nIter - vertical component of velocity field (ocean:
m/s and upward, atmosphere: Pa/s and towards increasing pressure
i.e. downward).
- T.00000nIter - potential temperature (ocean: C,
atmosphere: K).
- S.00000nIter - ocean: salinity (psu), atmosphere: water vapor
- Eta.00000nIter - ocean: surface elevation (m), atmosphere:
surface pressure anomaly (Pa).
The chain 00000nIter consists of ten figures that specify the
iteration number at which the output is written out. For example, U.0000000300 is the zonal velocity at iteration 300.
In addition, a ``pickup'' or ``checkpoint'' file called:
is written out. This file represents the state of the model in a condensed
form and is used for restarting the integration. If the C-D scheme is used,
there is an additional ``pickup'' file:
containing the D-grid velocity data and that has to be written out as well
in order to restart the integration. Rolling checkpoint files are the same
as the pickup files but are named differently. Their name contain the chain
ckptA or ckptB instead of 00000nIter. They can be
used to restart the model but are overwritten every other time they are
output to save disk space during long integrations.
Unlike the mdsio output, the mnc-generated output
is usually (though not necessarily) placed within a subdirectory with
a name such as mnc_test_$DATE_$SEQ. The files
within this subdirectory are all in the ``self-describing'' netCDF
format and can thus be browsed and/or plotted using tools such as:
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