Next: 3.11 Gyre Advection Example
Up: 3.10 Baroclinic Gyre MITgcm
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In order to run the examples you must first download the code distribution.
Instructions for downloading the code can be found in section
This example experiments is located under the release sub-directory
To run the experiment
- Set the current directory to input/
% cd input
- Verify that current directory is now correct
% pwd
You should see a response on the screen ending in
- Run the genmake script to create the experiment Makefile
% ../../../tools/genmake -mods=../code
- Create a list of header file dependencies in Makefile
% make depend
- Build the executable file.
% make
- Run the mitgcmuv executable
% ./mitgcmuv
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |