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The model is configured in hydrostatic form. The domain is
discretised with a uniform grid spacing in latitude and longitude on
the sphere
, so that there are
ninety grid cells in the zonal and forty in the meridional
direction. The internal model coordinate variables
initialized according to
Arctic polar regions are not
included in this experiment. Meridionally the model extends from
Vertically the model is configured with fifteen layers with the
following thicknesses:
(here the numeric subscript indicates the model level index number,
) to
give a total depth,
, of
The implicit free surface form of the pressure equation described in
Marshall et al. [1997b] is employed. A Laplacian operator,
, provides viscous
dissipation. Thermal and haline diffusion is also represented by a Laplacian operator.
Wind-stress forcing is added to the momentum equations in (3.37)
for both the zonal flow,
and the meridional flow
, according to equations
(3.31) and (3.32).
Thermodynamic forcing inputs are added to the equations
in (3.37) for
potential temperature,
, and salinity,
, according to equations
(3.33) and (3.34).
This produces a set of equations solved in this configuration as follows:
(3.37) |
(3.38) |
0 |
(3.39) |
(3.40) |
(3.41) |
(3.42) |
are the zonal and meridional components of the
flow vector,
, on the sphere. As described in
MITgcm Numerical Solution Procedure 2, the time
evolution of potential temperature,
, equation is solved prognostically.
The total pressure,
, is diagnosed by summing pressure due to surface
and the hydrostatic pressure.
The Laplacian dissipation coefficient,
, is set to
This value is chosen to yield a Munk layer width [Adcroft, 1995],
(3.43) |
km. This is greater than the model
resolution in low-latitudes,
, ensuring that the frictional
boundary layer is adequately resolved.
The model is stepped forward with a time step
for thermodynamic variables and
for momentum terms. With this time step,
the stability parameter to the horizontal Laplacian friction
[Adcroft, 1995]
(3.44) |
evaluates to 0.6 at a latitude of
, which
is above the 0.3 upper limit for stability, but the zonal grid spacing
is smallest at
and the stability
criterion is already met 1 grid cell equatorwards (at
The vertical dissipation coefficient,
, is set to
. The associated stability limit
(3.45) |
evaluates to
for the smallest model
level spacing (
) which is well below
the upper stability limit.
The numerical stability for inertial oscillations
[Adcroft, 1995]
(3.46) |
evaluates to
, which is
below the
upper limit for stability.
The advective CFL [Adcroft, 1995] for a extreme maximum
horizontal flow
speed of
(3.47) |
evaluates to
. This is well below the stability
limit of 0.5.
The stability parameter for internal gravity waves propagating
with a maximum speed of
[Adcroft, 1995]
(3.48) |
evaluates to
. This is close to the linear
stability limit of 0.5.
Next: 3.12.3 Experiment Configuration
Up: 3.12 Global Ocean MITgcm
Previous: 3.12.1 Overview
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |