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7.2.3 MNC Internals

The mnc package is a two-level convenience library (or ``wrapper'') for most of the NetCDF Fortran API. Its purpose is to streamline the user interface to NetCDF by maintaining internal relations (look-up tables) keyed with strings (or names) and entities such as NetCDF files, variables, and attributes.

The two levels of the mnc package are:

Upper level

The upper level contains information about two kinds of associations:

grid type
is lookup table indexed with a grid type name. Each grid type name is associated with a number of dimensions, the dimension sizes (one of which may be unlimited), and starting and ending index arrays. The intent is to store all the necessary size and shape information for the Fortran arrays containing MITgcm-style ``tile'' variables (that is, a central region surrounded by a variably-sized ``halo'' or exchange region as shown in Figures 4.7 and 4.8).

variable type
is a lookup table indexed by a variable type name. For each name, the table contains a reference to a grid type for the variable and the names and values of various attributes.

Within the upper level, these associations are not permanently tied to any particular NetCDF file. This allows the information to be re-used over multiple file reads and writes.

Lower level

In the lower (or internal) level, associations are stored for NetCDF files and many of the entities that they contain including dimensions, variables, and global attributes. All associations are on a per-file basis. Thus, each entity is tied to a unique NetCDF file and will be created or destroyed when files are, respectively, opened or closed. MNC Grid-Types and Variable-Types:

As a convenience for users, the MNC package includes numerous routines to aid in the writing of data to NetCDF format. Probably the biggest convenience is the use of pre-defined ``grid types'' and ``variable types''. These ``types'' are simply look-up tables that store dimensions, indicies, attributes, and other information that can all be retrieved using a single character string.

The ``grid types'' are a way of mapping variables within MITgcm to NetCDF arrays. Within MITgcm, most spatial variables are defined using two- or three-dimensional arrays with ``overlap'' regions (see Figures 4.7, a possible vertical index, and 4.8) and tile indicies such as the following ``U'' velocity:

      _RL  uVel (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy)
as defined in model/inc/DYNVARS.h

The grid type is a character string that encodes the presence and types associated with the four possible dimensions. The character string follows the format

where the terms H0, H1, H2, V, T can be almost any combination of the following:
Horizontal Vertical Time
H0: location H1: dimensions H2: halo V: location T: level
- xy Hn - -
U x Hy i t
V y   c  
A example list of all pre-defined combinations is contained in the file

The variable type is an association between a variable type name and the following items:

Item Purpose
grid type defines the in-memory arrangement
bi,bj dimensions tiling indices, if present
and is used by the mnc_cw_*_[R|W] subroutines for reading and writing variables. Using MNC: Examples:

Writing variables to NetCDF files can be accomplished in as few as two function calls. The first function call defines a variable type, associates it with a name (character string), and provides additional information about the indicies for the tile (bi,bj) dimensions. The second function call will write the data at, if necessary, the current time level within the model.

Examples of the initialization calls can be found in the file model/src/ini_mnc_io.F where these function calls:

C     Create MNC definitions for DYNVARS.h variables
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME('iter', '-_-_--__-__t', 0,0, myThid)
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('iter',1,
     &     'long_name','iteration_count', myThid)

      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME('model_time', '-_-_--__-__t', 0,0, myThid)
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('model_time',1,
     &     'long_name','Model Time', myThid)
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('model_time',1,'units','s', myThid)

      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME('U', 'U_xy_Hn__C__t', 4,5, myThid)
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('U',1,'units','m/s', myThid)
     &     'coordinates','XU YU RC iter', myThid)

      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME('T', 'Cen_xy_Hn__C__t', 4,5, myThid)
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('T',1,'units','degC', myThid)
      CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('T',1,'long_name',
     &     'potential_temperature', myThid)
     &     'coordinates','XC YC RC iter', myThid)
initialize four VNAMEs and add one or more NetCDF attributes to each.

The four variables defined above are subsequently written at specific time steps within model/src/write_state.F using the function calls:

C       Write dynvars using the MNC package
        CALL MNC_CW_SET_UDIM('state', -1, myThid)
        CALL MNC_CW_I_W('I','state',0,0,'iter', myIter, myThid)
        CALL MNC_CW_SET_UDIM('state', 0, myThid)
        CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('D','state',0,0,'model_time',myTime, myThid)
        CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('D','state',0,0,'U', uVel, myThid)
        CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('D','state',0,0,'T', theta, myThid)

While it is easiest to write variables within typical 2D and 3D fields where all data is known at a given time, it is also possible to write fields where only a portion (eg. a ``slab'' or ``slice'') is known at a given instant. An example is provided within pkg/mom_vecinv/mom_vecinv.F where an offset vector is used:

       IF (useMNC .AND. snapshot_mnc) THEN
         CALL MNC_CW_RL_W_OFFSET('D','mom_vi',bi,bj, 'fV', uCf,
   &          offsets, myThid)
         CALL MNC_CW_RL_W_OFFSET('D','mom_vi',bi,bj, 'fU', vCf,
   &          offsets, myThid)
to write a 3D field one depth slice at a time.

Each element in the offset vector corresponds (in order) to the dimensions of the ``full'' (or virtual) array and specifies which are known at the time of the call. A zero within the offset array means that all values along that dimension are available while a positive integer means that only values along that index of the dimension are available. In all cases, the matrix passed is assumed to start (that is, have an in-memory structure) coinciding with the start of the specified slice. Thus, using this offset array mechanism, a slice can be written along any single dimension or combinations of dimensions.

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Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Last update 2018-01-23