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Each example directory has the following subdirectories:
- code: contains the code particular to the example. At a
minimum, this directory includes the following files:
- code/packages.conf: declares the list of packages or
package groups to be used. If not included, the default version
is located in pkg/pkg_default. Package groups are
simply convenient collections of commonly used packages which are
defined in pkg/pkg_default. Some packages may require
other packages or may require their absence (that is, they are
incompatible) and these package dependencies are listed in
- code/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h: declares CPP keys relative to
the ``execution environment'' part of the code. The default
version is located in eesupp/inc.
- code/CPP_OPTIONS.h: declares CPP keys relative to
the ``numerical model'' part of the code. The default version is
located in model/inc.
- code/SIZE.h: declares size of underlying
computational grid. The default version is located in
In addition, other include files and subroutines might be present in
code depending on the particular experiment. See Section 2
for more details.
- input: contains the input data files required to run
the example. At a minimum, the input directory contains the
following files:
- input/data: this file, written as a namelist,
specifies the main parameters for the experiment.
- input/data.pkg: contains parameters relative to the
packages used in the experiment.
- input/eedata: this file contains ``execution
environment'' data. At present, this consists of a specification
of the number of threads to use in
under multi-threaded
In addition, you will also find in this directory the forcing and
topography files as well as the files describing the initial state
of the experiment. This varies from experiment to experiment. See
the verification directories refered to in this chapter for more details.
- results: this directory contains the output file
output.txt produced by the simulation example. This file is
useful for comparison with your own output when you run the
- build: this directory is initially empty and is used
to compile and load the model, and to generate the executable.
- run: this directory is initially empty and is used
to run the executable.
Once you have chosen the example you want to run, you are ready to
compile the code.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |