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- tutorial_advection_in_gyre - Test of various
advection schemes in a single-layer double-gyre experiment.
This experiment is described in detail in section
- tutorial_baroclinic_gyre - Four layer, ocean double
gyre. This experiment is described in detail in section
- tutorial_barotropic_gyre - Single layer, ocean double
gyre (barotropic with free-surface).
This experiment is described in detail in section 3.9.
- tutorial_cfc_offline - Offline form of the MITgcm to
study advection of a passive tracer and CFCs.
This experiment is described in detail in section 3.20.5.
- tutorial_deep_convection - Non-uniformly forced
ocean convection in a doubly periodic box. This experiment is
described in detail in section 3.15.
- tutorial_dic_adoffline - Offline form of MITgcm
dynamics coupled to the dissolved inorganic carbon biogeochemistry model;
adjoint set-up.
- tutorial_global_oce_biogeo - Ocean model coupled to
the dissolved inorganic carbon biogeochemistry model. This
experiment is described in detail in section
- tutorial_global_oce_in_p - Global ocean simulation in
pressure coordinate (non-Boussinesq ocean model). Described in
detail in section 3.13.
- tutorial_global_oce_latlon - 4x4 degree global ocean
simulation with steady climatological forcing. This experiment is
described in detail in section 3.12.
- tutorial_global_oce_optim - Global ocean state
estimation at
resolution. This experiment is described in
detail in section 3.18.
- tutorial_held_suarez_cs - 3D atmosphere dynamics
using Held and Suarez (1994) forcing on cubed sphere grid. This
experiment is described in detail in section 3.14.
- tutorial_offline - Offline form of the MITgcm to study
advection of a passive tracer. This experiment is described in
detail in section 3.20.
- tutorial_plume_on_slope - Gravity Plume on a
continental slope. This experiment is described in detail in
section 3.16.
- tutorial_tracer_adjsens - Simple passive tracer
experiment. Includes derivative calculation. This experiment is
described in detail in section 3.19.
Also contains an additional set-up using Secon Order Moment (SOM) advection
scheme (input_ad.som81/).
- 1D_ocean_ice_column - Oceanic column with seaice on top.
- adjustment.128x64x1 - Barotropic adjustment problem on
latitude longitude grid with 128x64 grid points (
- adjustment.cs-32x32x1 - Barotropic adjustment problem on
cube sphere grid with 32x32 points per face (roughly
Also contains a non-linear free-surface adjustment version (input.nlfs/).
- advect_cs - Two-dimensional passive advection test on
cube sphere grid (32x32 grid points per face, roughly
- advect_xy - Two-dimensional (horizontal plane) passive
advection test on Cartesian grid.
Also contains an additional set-up using Adams-Bashforth 3 (input.ab3_c4/).
- advect_xz - Two-dimensional (vertical plane) passive
advection test on Cartesian grid.
Also contains an additional set-up using non-linear free-surface
with divergent barotropic flow and implicit vertical advection (input.nlfs/).
- aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel -
5-levels Intermediate Atmospheric physics,
3D Equatorial Channel configuration.
- aim.5l_LatLon - 5-levels Intermediate Atmospheric physics,
Global configuration, on latitude longitude grid with 128x64x5 grid
points (
- aim.5l_cs - 5-levels Intermediate Atmospheric physics,
Global configuration on cube sphere grid
(32x32 grid points per face, roughly
Also contains an additional set-up with a slab-ocean and thermodynamic
sea-ice (input.thSI/).
- bottom_ctrl_5x5 - Adjoint test using the bottom
topography as the control parameter.
- cfc_example - Global ocean with online computation and
advection of CFC11 and CFC12.
- cheapAML_box - Example using cheap atmospheric mixed layer
(cheapAML) package.
- cpl_aim+ocn - Coupled Ocean - Atmosphere realistic
configuration on cubed-sphere cs32 horizontal grid,
using Intermediate Atmospheric physics (pkg/aim_v23)
thermodynamic seaice (pkg/thsice) and land packages.
on cubed-sphere cs32 in a realistic configuration.
- cpl_atm2d+ocn - Coupled Ocean - Atmosphere realistic
configuration using 2-D Atmospheric Model (pkg/atm2d).
- deep_anelastic - Convection simulation on a giant planet:
relax both the Boussinesq approximation (anelastic) and the thin atmosphere
approximation (deep atmosphere).
- dome - Idealized 3D test of a density-driven bottom current.
- exp2 - Old version of the global ocean experiment (no GM,
no partial-cells).
Also contains an additional set-up with rigid-lid (input.rigidLid/).
- exp4 - Flow over a Gaussian bump in open-water or
channel with open boundaries.
Also contains an additional set-up using non-linear free-surface (input.nlfs/).
- fizhi-cs-32x32x40 - Global atmospheric simulation with
realistic topography, 40 vertical levels, a cubed sphere grid and
the full atmospheric physics package.
- fizhi-cs-aqualev20 - Global atmospheric simulation on an
aqua planet with full atmospheric physics. Run is perpetual march
with an analytical SST distribution. This is the configuration for
the APE (Aqua Planet Experiment) participation experiment.
- fizhi-gridalt-hs - Global atmospheric simulation
Held-Suarez (1994) forcing, with the physical forcing and the
dynamical forcing running on different vertical grids.
- flt_example - Example of using float package.
- front_relax - Relaxation of an ocean thermal front
(test for Gent/McWilliams scheme). 2D (y-z).
Also contains additional set-ups:
- using the Boundary-Value Problem method
(Ferrari et al., 2010) (input.bvp/).
- with Mixed-Layer Eddy parameterization
(Ferrari & McWilliams, 2007) (input.mxl/).
- global_ocean.90x40x15 - Global ocean simulation at 4x4
degree resolution. Similar to tutorial_global_oce_latlon, but using
coordinates with quasi-non-hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic metric terms.
This experiment also illustrate the use of SBO package.
Also contains additional set-ups:
- using down-slope package (pkg/down_slope) (input.dwnslp/)
- an Open-AD adjoint set-up (code_oad/, input_oad/).
- four TAF adjoint set-ups (code_ad/):
- standard experiment (input_ad/).
- with bottom drag as a control (input_ad.bottomdrag/).
- with kappa GM as a control (input_ad.kapgm/).
- with kappa Redi as a control (input_ad.kapredi/).
- global_ocean.cs32x15 - Global ocean experiment on the
cubed sphere grid.
Also contains additional forward set-ups:
- non-hydrostatic with biharmonic viscosity (input.viscA4/)
- using thermodynamic sea ice and bulk force (input.thsice/)
- using thermodynamic (pkg/thsice) dynamic (pkg/seaice) sea-ice
and exf package (input.icedyn/)
- using thermodynamic - dynamic (pkg/seaice) sea-ice
with exf package (input.seaice/)
and few additional adjoint set-ups (code_ad/):
- standard experiment without sea-ice (input_ad/).
- using thermodynamic - dynamic sea-ice (input_ad.seaice/)
- same as above without adjoint sea-ice dynamics (input_ad.seaice_dynmix/)
- using thermodynamic sea-ice from thsice package (input_ad.thsice/)
- global_ocean_ebm - Global ocean experiment on a lat-lon
grid coupled to an atmospheric energy balance model. Similar to
global_ocean.90x40x15 experiment.
Also contains an adjoint set-up (code_ad/, input_ad/).
- global_with_exf - Global ocean experiment on a lat-lon
grid using the exf package. Similar to tutorial_global_oce_latlon
Also contains a secondary set-up with yearly exf fields (input_ad.yearly/).
- halfpipe_streamice - Example using package "streamice".
Also contains adjoint set-ups using TAF (code_ad/, input_ad/)
and using Open-AD (code_oad/, input_oad/).
- hs94.128x64x5 - 3D atmosphere dynamics on lat-lon grid,
using Held and Suarez '94 forcing.
- hs94.1x64x5 - Zonal averaged atmosphere dynamics
using Held and Suarez '94 forcing.
Also contains adjoint set-ups using TAF (code_ad/, input_ad/)
and using Open-AD (code_oad/, input_oad/).
- hs94.cs-32x32x5 - 3D atmosphere dynamics using Held and
Suarez (1994) forcing on the cubed sphere, similar to tutorial_held_suarez_cs
experiment but using linear free-surface and only 5 levels.
Also contains an additional set-up with Implicit Internal gravity waves
treatment and Adams-Bashforth 3 (input.impIGW/).
- ideal_2D_oce - Idealized 2D global ocean simulation on
an aqua planet.
- internal_wave - Ocean internal wave forced by open
boundary conditions.
Also contains an additional set-up using pkg/kl10 (see section
6.4.5, Klymak and Legg, 2010) (input.kl10/).
- inverted_barometer - Simple test of ocean response to
atmospheric pressure loading.
- isomip - ISOMIP like set-up including ice-shelf cavities
Also contains additional set-ups:
- with "htd" (input.htd/)
but only Martin knows what "htd" stands for.
- using package icefront (input.icefront)
and also adjoint set-ups using TAF (code_ad/, input_ad/, input_ad.htd/)
or using Open-AD (code_oad/, input_oad/).
- lab_sea - Regional Labrador Sea simulation on a lat-lon
grid using the sea ice package.
Also contains additional set-ups:
- using the simple "free-drift" assumption for seaice (input.fd/)
- using EVP dynamics (instead of LSR solver) and Hibler & Bryan (1987)
sea-ice ocean stress (input.hb87/)
- using package salt_plume (input.salt_plume/)
and also 3 adjoint set-ups (code_ad/, input_ad/, input_ad.noseaicedyn/,
- matrix_example - Test of experimental method to
accelerated convergence towards equilibrium.
- MLAdjust - Simple tests for different viscosity formulations.
Also contains additional set-ups (see: verification/MLAdjust/README):
- (input.A4FlxF/)
- (input.AhFlxF/)
- (input.AhVrDv/)
- (input.AhStTn/)
- natl_box - Eastern subtropical North Atlantic with KPP
scheme; 1 month integration
- obcs_ctrl - Adjoint test using Open-Boundary conditions
as control parameters.
- offline_exf_seaice - Seaice on top of oceanic surface layer
in an idealized channel. Forcing is computed by bulk-formulae (pkg/exf)
with temperature relaxation to prescribed SST (offline ocean).
Also contains additional set-ups:
- sea-ice dynamics-only using JFNK solver
and pkg/thsice advection (input.dyn_jfnk/)
- sea-ice dynamics-only using LSR solver
and pkg/seaice advection (input.dyn_lsr/)
- sea-ice thermodynamics-only using pkg/seaice (input.thermo/)
- sea-ice thermodynamics-only using pkg/thsice (input.thsice/)
and also 2 adjoint set-ups (code_ad/, input_ad/, input_ad.thsice/).
- OpenAD - Simple Adjoint experiment (used also to test
Open-AD compiler)
- rotating_tank - Rotating tank simulation in cylindrical
coordinates. This experiment is described in detail in section
- seaice_itd - Seaice example using Ice Thickness Distribution (ITD).
Also contains additional set-ups:
- (input.thermo/)
- (input.lipscomb07/)
- seaice_obcs - Similar to "lab_sea" (input.salt_plume/)
experiment with only a fraction of the domain and open-boundary conditions
derived from "lab_sea" experiment.
Also contains additional set-ups:
- (input.seaiceSponge/)
- (input.tides/)
- short_surf_wave - Short surface wave adjusment
(non-hydrostatic) in homogeneous 2-D vertical section (x-z).
- so_box_biogeo - Open-boundary Southern ocean box around
Drake passage, using same model parameters and forcing as experiment
"tutorial_global_oce_biogeo" from which initial conditions
and OB conditions have been extracted.
- solid-body.cs-32x32x1 - Solid body rotation test for cube
sphere grid.
- tidal_basin_2d - 2-D vertical section (x-z) with tidal forcing
- vermix - Simple test in a small domain (3 columns) for
ocean vertical mixing schemes. The standard set-up (input/) uses
KPP scheme [Large et al., 1994].
Also contains additional set-ups:
- with Double Diffusion scheme from KPP (input.dd/)
- with Gaspar et al. [1990] (pkg/ggl90) scheme (input.ggl90/)
- with Mellor and Yamada [1982] level 2. (pkg/my82) scheme (input.my82/)
- with Paluszkiewicz and Romea [1997] (pkg/opps) scheme (input.opps/)
- with Pacanowski and Philander [1981] (pkg/pp81) scheme (input.pp81/)
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |