Next: 3.14.3 Set-up description
Up: 3.14 Held-Suarez Atmosphere MITgcm
Previous: 3.14.1 Overview
The model is forced by relaxation to a radiative equilibrium temperature from
Held and Suarez [1994].
A linear frictional drag (Rayleigh damping) is applied in the lower
part of the atmosphere and account from surface friction and momentum
dissipation in the boundary layer.
Altogether, this yields the following forcing
[from Held and Suarez, 1994] that is applied to the fluid:
are the forcing terms in the zonal and meridional
momentum and in the potential temperature equations respectively.
The term
in equation (3.61) applies a
Rayleigh damping that is active within the planetary boundary layer.
It is defined so as to decay as pressure decreases according to
is the pressure level of the cell center
is the pressure at the base of the atmospheric column,
which is constant and uniform here (
), in the absence
of topography.
The Equilibrium temperature
and relaxation time scale
are set to:
Initial conditions correspond to a resting state with horizontally uniform
stratified fluid. The initial temperature profile is simply the
horizontally average of the radiative equilibrium temperature.
Next: 3.14.3 Set-up description
Up: 3.14 Held-Suarez Atmosphere MITgcm
Previous: 3.14.1 Overview
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |