Next: 3.14.4 Experiment Configuration
Up: 3.14 Held-Suarez Atmosphere MITgcm
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The model is configured in hydrostatic form, using non-boussinesq
The vertical resolution is uniform,
with 20 levels, from
to 0
at the top.
The domain is discretised using C32 cube-sphere grid [Adcroft et al., 2004a]
that cover the whole sphere with a relatively uniform grid-spacing.
The resolution at the equator or along the Greenwitch meridian
is similar to the
equaly spaced longitude-latitude grid,
but requires
less grid points.
Grid spacing and grid-point location are not computed by the model but
read from files.
The vector-invariant form of the momentum equation (see section
2.15) is used so that no explicit
metrics are necessary.
Applying the vector-invariant discretization to the
atmospheric equations 1.59, and adding the
forcing term
(3.61, 3.62)
on the right-hand-side,
leads to the set of equations that are solved in this configuration:
KE |
(3.65) |
0 |
(3.66) |
0 |
(3.67) |
![$\displaystyle -k_{\theta}[\theta-\theta_{eq}]$](img1511.png) |
(3.68) |
are the horizontal velocity vector and the vertical velocity in pressure coordinate,
is the relative vorticity and
the Coriolis parameter,
is the vertical unity vector,
KE is the kinetic energy,
is the geopotential
the Exner function
Variables marked with ' corresponds to anomaly from
the resting, uniformly stratified state.
As described in MITgcm Numerical Solution Procedure 2,
the continuity equation is integrated vertically, to give a prognostic
equation for the surface pressure
(3.69) |
The implicit free surface form of the pressure equation described in
Marshall et al. [1997b] is employed to solve for
Integrating vertically the hydrostatic balance
gives the geopotential
and allow to step forward the momentum equation
The potential temperature,
, is stepped forward using the
new velocity field (staggered time-step, section
The numerical stability for inertial oscillations
Adcroft [1995]
(3.70) |
evaluates to
at the poles,
which is well below the
upper limit for stability.
The advective CFL Adcroft [1995]
for a extreme maximum horizontal flow speed of
and the smallest horizontal grid spacing
(3.71) |
evaluates to
, which is close to the stability
limit of 0.5.
The stability parameter for internal gravity waves propagating
with a maximum speed of
Adcroft [1995]
(3.72) |
evaluates to
. This is close to the linear
stability limit of 0.5.
Next: 3.14.4 Experiment Configuration
Up: 3.14 Held-Suarez Atmosphere MITgcm
Previous: 3.14.2 Forcing
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |