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The model configuration for this experiment resides in
verification/dic_example. The modifications to the code (in verification/dic_example/code) are:
- SIZE.h: which dictates the size of the model domain
- PTRACERS_SIZE.h: which dictates how many tracers to assign
how many tracers will be used (5).
- GCHEM_OPTIONS.h: provides some compiler time options for
the /pkg/gchem. In particular this example requires that DIC_BIOTIC and GCHEM_SEPARATE_FORCING be defined.
- GMREDI_OPTIONS.h: assigns the Gent-McWilliam eddy
parameterization options.
- DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h: assigns size information for the
diagnostics package.
- packages.conf: which dictates which packages will be
compiled in this version of the model - among the many that are used
for the physical part of the model, this also includes ptracers, gchem, and dic which allow the
biogeochemical part of this setup to function.
The input fields needed for this run (in verification/dic_example/input) are:
- data: specifies the main parameters for the experiment,
some parameters that may be useful to know: nTimeSteps number
timesteps model will run, change to 720 to run for a year taveFreq frequency with which time averages are done, change to
31104000 for annual averages.
- data.diagnostics: species details of diagnostic pkg output
- data.gchem: specifics files and other details needed in
the biogeochemistry model run
- data.gmredi: species details for the GM parameterization
- data.mnc: specifies details for types of output, netcdf or
- data.pkg: set true or false for various packages to be
- data.ptracers: details of the tracers to be used,
including makes, diffusivity information and (if needed) initial
files. Of particular importance is the PTRACERS_numInUse
which states how many tracers are used, and PTRACERS_Iter0
which states at which timestep the biogeochemistry model tracers
were initialized.
- depth_g77.bin: bathymetry data file
- eedata: This file uses standard default values and does
not contain customizations for this experiment.
- fice.bin: ice data file, needed for the biogeochemistry
- lev_monthly_salt.bin: SSS values which model relaxes
- lev_monthly_temp.bin: SST values which model relaxes
- pickup.0004248000.data: variable and tendency values need
to restart the physical part of the model
- pickup_cd.0004248000.data: variable and tendency values
need to restart the cd pkg
- pickup_ptracers.0004248000.data: variable and tendency
values need to restart the the biogeochemistry part of the model
- POLY3.COEFFS: coefficient for the non-linear equation of
- shi_empmr_year.bin: freshwater forcing data file
- shi_qnet.bin: heat flux forcing data file
- sillev1.bin: silica data file, need for the
- tren_speed.bin: wind speed data file, needed for the
- tren_taux.bin: meridional wind stress data file
- tren_tauy.bin: zonal wind stress data file
Next: 3.17.4 Running the example
Up: 3.17 Biogeochemistry Tutorial
Previous: 3.17.2 Equations Solved
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |