Next: 3.18 Global Ocean State
Up: 3.17 Biogeochemistry Tutorial
Previous: 3.17.3 Code configuration
You will first need to download the MITgcm code. Instructions for
downloading the code can be found in section 3.2.
- go to the build directory in verification/dic_example:
cd verification/dic_example/build
- create the Makefile:
../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=code
- create all the links:
make depend
- compile (the executable will be called mitgcmuv):
- move the executable to the directory with all the inputs:
mv mitgcmuv ../input/
- go to the input directory and run the model:
cd ../input
As the model is set up to run in the verification experiment, it only
runs for 4 timestep (2 days) and outputs data at the end of this short
run. For a more informative run, you will need to run longer. As set
up, this model starts from a pre-spun up state and initializes
physical fields and the biogeochemical tracers from the pickup
Physical data (e.g. S,T, velocities etc) will be output as for any
regular ocean run. The biogeochemical output are:
- tracer snap shots: either netcdf, or older-style binary
(depending on how data.mnc is set up). Look in data.ptracers to see which number matches which type of tracer
(e.g. ptracer01 is DIC).
- tracer time averages: either netcdf, or older-style binary
(depending on how data.mnc is set up)
- specific DIC diagnostics: these are averaged over taveFreq
(set in data) and are specific to the dic package, and
currently are only available in binary format:
- DIC_Biotave: 3-D biological community productivity (mol
P m
- DIC_Cartave: 3-D tendencies due to calcium carbonate
cycle (mol C m
- DIC_fluxCO2ave: 2-D air-sea flux of CO
(mol C
- DIC_pCO2tave: 2-D partial pressure of CO
in surface
- DIC_pHtave: 2-D pH in surface layer
- DIC_SurOtave: 2-D tendency due to air-sea flux of O
(mol O m
- DIC_Surtave: 2-D surface tendency of DIC due to air-sea
flux and virtual flux (mol C m
Next: 3.18 Global Ocean State
Up: 3.17 Biogeochemistry Tutorial
Previous: 3.17.3 Code configuration
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |