Next: 3.18.5 Running the estimation
Up: 3.18 Global Ocean State
Previous: 3.18.3 Code Configuration
The optimization experiment requires two executables: 1) the
MITgcm and its adjoint (mitgcmuv_ad) and 2) the line-search
algorithm (optim.x).
Before compiling, first note that, in the directory code_ad/, two files
must be updated:
- code_ad_diff.list which lists new subroutines to be compiled
by the TAF software (cost_temp.F and cost_hflux.F here),
- the adjoint_hfluxm files which provides a list of the control variables
and the name of cost function to the TAF software.
Then, in the directory build_ad/, type:
% ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code\_ad -adof=../code\_ad/adjoint\_hfluxm
% make depend
% make adall
to generate the MITgcm executable mitgcmuv_ad.
This is done from the directories lsopt/ and optim/ (under MITgcm/). In lsopt/,
unzip the blash1 library adapted to your platform, and change the Makefile
accordingly. Compile with:
% make all
(more details in lsopt_doc.txt)
In optim/, the path of the directory where mitgcm_ad was compiled
must be specified in the Makefile in the variable INCLUDEDIRS. The file name
of the control variable (xx_hfluxm_file here) must be added to the name list
read by optim_num.F. Then use
% make depend
% make
to generate the line-search executable optim.x.
Next: 3.18.5 Running the estimation
Up: 3.18 Global Ocean State
Previous: 3.18.3 Code Configuration
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |