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Previous: 5.5 Adjoint code generation
The development of OpenAD was initiated as part of the
ACTS (Adjoint Compiler Technology & Standards) project funded by the NSF Information Technology Research (ITR) program.
The main goals for OpenAD initially defined for the ACTS project are:
- develop a flexible, modular, open source tool that can ge`nerate adjoint codes of numerical simulation programs,
- establish a platform for easy implementation and testing of source transformation algorithms via a language-independent abstract intermediate representation,
- support for source code written in C and Fortan,
- generate efficient tangent linear and adjoint for the
MIT general circulation model.
OpenAD's homepage is at http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/OpenAD/.
A development WIKI is at
From the WIKI's main page, click on Handling GCM for
various aspects pertaining to differentiating the MITgcm with OpenAD.
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |