Next: 4.1 Overall architectural goals
Previous: 3.21.4 Code Configuration
4. Software Architecture
This chapter focuses on describing the WRAPPER environment
within which both the core numerics and the pluggable packages
operate. The description presented here is intended to be a detailed
exposition and contains significant background material, as well as
advanced details on working with the WRAPPER. The tutorial sections
of this manual (see sections 3.8 and
3.19) contain more succinct, step-by-step
instructions on running basic numerical experiments, of varous types,
both sequentially and in parallel. For many projects simply starting
from an example code and adapting it to suit a particular situation
will be all that is required. The first part of this chapter
discusses the MITgcm architecture at an abstract level. In the second
part of the chapter we described practical details of the MITgcm
implementation and of current tools and operating system features that
are employed.
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |