Next: 4.3.3 Controlling communication
Up: 4.3 Using the WRAPPER
Previous: 4.3.1 Specifying a domain
4.3.2 Starting the code
When code is started under the WRAPPER, execution begins in a main routine eesupp/src/main.F that is owned by the WRAPPER. Control is transferred
to the application through a routine called THE_MODEL_MAIN()
once the WRAPPER has initialized correctly and has created the necessary variables
to support subsequent calls to communication routines
by the application code. The startup calling sequence followed by the
WRAPPER is shown in figure 4.11.
Figure 4.11:
Main stages of the WRAPPER startup procedure.
This process proceeds transfer of control to application code, which
occurs through the procedure THE_MODEL_MAIN().
 | Multi-threaded execution
Prior to transferring control to the procedure THE_MODEL_MAIN() the
WRAPPER may cause several coarse grain threads to be initialized. The routine
THE_MODEL_MAIN() is called once for each thread and is passed a single
stack argument which is the thread number, stored in the
variable myThid. In addition to specifying a decomposition with
multiple tiles per process ( see section 4.3.1)
configuring and starting a code to run using multiple threads requires the following
First the code must be compiled with appropriate multi-threading directives
active in the file main.F and with appropriate compiler flags
to request multi-threading support. The header files
contain directives compatible with compilers for Sun, Compaq, SGI,
Hewlett-Packard SMP systems and CRAY PVP systems. These directives can be
activated by using compile time
directives -DTARGET_SUN,
or -DTARGET_CRAY_VECTOR respectively. Compiler options
for invoking multi-threaded compilation vary from system to system
and from compiler to compiler. The options will be described
in the individual compiler documentation. For the Fortran compiler
from Sun the following options are needed to correctly compile
multi-threaded code
-stackvar -explicitpar -vpara -noautopar
These options are specific to the Sun compiler. Other compilers
will use different syntax that will be described in their
documentation. The effect of these options is as follows
- -stackvar Causes all local variables to be allocated in stack
storage. This is necessary for local variables to ensure that they are private
to their thread. Note, when using this option it may be necessary to override
the default limit on stack-size that the operating system assigns to a process.
This can normally be done by changing the settings of the command shells
stack-size limit variable. However, on some systems changing this limit
will require privileged administrator access to modify system parameters.
- -explicitpar Requests that multiple threads be spawned
in response to explicit directives in the application code. These
directives are inserted with syntax appropriate to the particular target
platform when, for example, the -DTARGET_SUN flag is selected.
- -vpara This causes the compiler to describe the multi-threaded
configuration it is creating. This is not required
but it can be useful when trouble shooting.
- -noautopar This inhibits any automatic multi-threaded
parallelization the compiler may otherwise generate.
An example of valid settings for the eedata file for a
domain with two subdomains in y and running with two threads is shown
This set of values will cause computations to stay within a single
thread when moving across the nSx sub-domains. In the y-direction,
however, sub-domains will be split equally between two threads.
The following
files and variables are used in setting up multi-threaded execution. Multi-process execution
Despite its appealing programming model, multi-threaded execution
remains less common than multi-process execution. One major reason for
this is that many system libraries are still not ``thread-safe''. This
means that, for example, on some systems it is not safe to call system
routines to perform I/O when running in multi-threaded mode (except,
perhaps, in a limited set of circumstances). Another reason is that
support for multi-threaded programming models varies between systems.
Multi-process execution is more ubiquitous. In order to run code in a
multi-process configuration a decomposition specification (see section
4.3.1) is given (in which the at least
one of the parameters nPx or nPy will be greater than one)
and then, as for multi-threaded operation, appropriate compile time
and run time steps must be taken.
Multi-process execution under the WRAPPER
assumes that the portable, MPI libraries are available for controlling
the start-up of multiple processes. The MPI libraries are not
required, although they are usually used, for performance critical
communication. However, in order to simplify the task of controlling
and coordinating the start up of a large number (hundreds and possibly
even thousands) of copies of the same program, MPI is used. The calls
to the MPI multi-process startup routines must be activated at compile
time. Currently MPI libraries are invoked by specifying the
appropriate options file with the -of flag when running the genmake2 script, which generates the Makefile for compiling and
linking MITgcm. (Previously this was done by setting the ALLOW_USE_MPI and ALWAYS_USE_MPI flags in the CPP_EEOPTIONS.h file.) More detailed information about the use of
genmake2 for specifying
local compiler flags is located in section 3.4.2.
The mechanics of starting a program in
multi-process mode under MPI is not standardized. Documentation
associated with the distribution of MPI installed on a system will
describe how to start a program using that distribution. For the
open-source MPICH system, the MITgcm program can be started using a
command such as
mpirun -np 64 -machinefile mf ./mitgcmuv
In this example the text -np 64 specifies the number of
processes that will be created. The numeric value 64 must be
equal to the product of the processor grid settings of nPx and
nPy in the file SIZE.h. The parameter mf specifies
that a text file called ``mf'' will be read to get a list of processor
names on which the sixty-four processes will execute. The syntax of
this file is specified by the MPI distribution.
On most systems multi-threaded execution also requires the setting of
a special environment variable. On many machines this variable is
called PARALLEL and its values should be set to the number of parallel
threads required. Generally the help or manual pages associated with
the multi-threaded compiler on a machine will explain how to set the
required environment variables.
Finally the file eedata needs to be configured to indicate the
number of threads to be used in the x and y directions. The variables
nTx and nTy in this file are used to specify the
information required. The product of nTx and nTy must be
equal to the number of threads spawned i.e. the setting of the
environment variable PARALLEL. The value of nTx must subdivide
the number of sub-domains in x (nSx) exactly. The value of nTy must subdivide the number of sub-domains in y (nSy)
exactly. The multiprocess startup of the MITgcm executable mitgcmuv is controlled by the routines EEBOOT_MINIMAL() and
INI_PROCS(). The first routine performs basic steps required to
make sure each process is started and has a textual output stream
associated with it. By default two output files are opened for each
process with names STDOUT.NNNN and STDERR.NNNN. The NNNNN part of the name is filled in with the process number so that
process number 0 will create output files STDOUT.0000 and STDERR.0000, process number 1 will create output files STDOUT.0001 and STDERR.0001, etc. These files are used for
reporting status and configuration information and for reporting error
conditions on a process by process basis. The EEBOOT_MINIMAL()
procedure also sets the variables myProcId and MPI_COMM_MODEL. These variables are related to processor
identification are are used later in the routine INI_PROCS() to
allocate tiles to processes.
Allocation of processes to tiles is controlled by the routine INI_PROCS(). For each process this routine sets the variables myXGlobalLo and myYGlobalLo. These variables specify, in
index space, the coordinates of the southernmost and westernmost
corner of the southernmost and westernmost tile owned by this process.
The variables pidW, pidE, pidS and pidN are
also set in this routine. These are used to identify processes holding
tiles to the west, east, south and north of a given process. These
values are stored in global storage in the header file EESUPPORT.h for use by communication routines. The above does not
hold when the exch2 package is used. The exch2 sets its own
parameters to specify the global indices of tiles and their
relationships to each other. See the documentation on the exch2
package (6.2.4) for details.
Next: 4.3.3 Controlling communication
Up: 4.3 Using the WRAPPER
Previous: 4.3.1 Specifying a domain
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |