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3.4.2 Using genmake2

To compile the code, first use the program genmake2 (located in the tools directory) to generate a Makefile. genmake2 is a shell script written to work with all ``sh''-compatible shells including bash v1, bash v2, and Bourne. genmake2 parses information from the following sources:

a gemake_local file if one is found in the current directory
command-line options
an "options file" as specified by the command-line option -optfile=/PATH/FILENAME
a packages.conf file (if one is found) with the specific list of packages to compile. The search path for file packages.conf is, first, the current directory and then each of the "MODS" directories in the given order (see below). Optfiles in tools/build_options directory:

The purpose of the optfiles is to provide all the compilation options for particular ``platforms'' (where ``platform'' roughly means the combination of the hardware and the compiler) and code configurations. Given the combinations of possible compilers and library dependencies (eg. MPI and NetCDF) there may be numerous optfiles available for a single machine. The naming scheme for the majority of the optfiles shipped with the code is

is the name of the operating system (generally the lower-case output of the 'uname' command)
is a string that describes the CPU type and corresponds to output from the 'uname -m' command:
is for ``x86'' machines such as i386, i486, i586, i686, and athlon
is for Intel IA64 systems (eg. Itanium, Itanium2)
is AMD x86_64 systems
is for Mac PowerPC systems
is the compiler name (generally, the name of the FORTRAN executable)

In many cases, the default optfiles are sufficient and will result in usable Makefiles. However, for some machines or code configurations, new ``optfiles'' must be written. To create a new optfile, it is generally best to start with one of the defaults and modify it to suit your needs. Like genmake2, the optfiles are all written using a simple ``sh''-compatible syntax. While nearly all variables used within genmake2 may be specified in the optfiles, the critical ones that should be defined are:

the FORTRAN compiler (executable) to use
the command-line DEFINE options passed to the compiler
the C pre-processor to use
options flags for special files that should not be optimized

For example, the optfile for a typical Red Hat Linux machine (``ia32'' architecture) using the GCC (g77) compiler is

CPP='cpp  -traditional -P'
#  For IEEE, use the "-ffloat-store" option
if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then
    FFLAGS='-Wimplicit -Wunused -Wuninitialized'
    FOPTIM='-O3 -malign-double -funroll-loops'
    FFLAGS='-Wimplicit -Wunused -ffloat-store'
    FOPTIM='-O0 -malign-double'

If you write an optfile for an unrepresented machine or compiler, you are strongly encouraged to submit the optfile to the MITgcm project for inclusion. Please send the file to the

mailing list. Command-line options:

In addition to the optfiles, genmake2 supports a number of helpful command-line options. A complete list of these options can be obtained from:

% genmake2 -h

The most important command-line options are:

specifies the optfile that should be used for a particular build.

If no "optfile" is specified (either through the command line or the MITGCM_OPTFILE environment variable), genmake2 will try to make a reasonable guess from the list provided in tools/build_options. The method used for making this guess is to first determine the combination of operating system and hardware (eg. "linux_ia32") and then find a working FORTRAN compiler within the user's path. When these three items have been identified, genmake2 will try to find an optfile that has a matching name.

-mods='DIR1 DIR2 DIR3 ...'
specifies a list of directories containing ``modifications''. These directories contain files with names that may (or may not) exist in the main MITgcm source tree but will be overridden by any identically-named sources within the ``MODS'' directories.

The order of precedence for this "name-hiding" is as follows:

  • ``MODS'' directories (in the order given)
  • Packages either explicitly specified or provided by default (in the order given)
  • Packages included due to package dependencies (in the order that that package dependencies are parsed)
  • The "standard dirs" (which may have been specified by the ``-standarddirs'' option)

specifies the file where package groups are defined. If not set, the package-groups definition will be read from pkg/pkg_groups. It also contains the default list of packages (defined as the group ``default_pkg_list'' which is used when no specific package list (packages.conf) is found in current directory or in any "MODS" directory.

specifies the dependency file used for packages.

If not specified, the default dependency file pkg/pkg_depend is used. The syntax for this file is parsed on a line-by-line basis where each line containes either a comment ("#") or a simple "PKGNAME1 (+|-)PKGNAME2" pairwise rule where the "+" or "-" symbol specifies a "must be used with" or a "must not be used with" relationship, respectively. If no rule is specified, then it is assumed that the two packages are compatible and will function either with or without each other.

specifies the "adjoint" or automatic differentiation options file to be used. The file is analogous to the ``optfile'' defined above but it specifies information for the AD build process.

The default file is located in tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_default and it defines the "TAF" and "TAMC" compilers. An alternate version is also available at tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_staf that selects the newer "STAF" compiler. As with any compilers, it is helpful to have their directories listed in your $PATH environment variable.

This option enables certain MPI features (using CPP #defines) within the code and is necessary for MPI builds (see Section 3.4.3).

Due to the poor handling of soft-links and other bugs common with the make versions provided by commercial Unix vendors, GNU make (sometimes called gmake) should be preferred. This option provides a means for specifying the make executable to be used.

On some (usually older UNIX) machines, the ``bash'' shell is unavailable. To run on these systems, genmake2 can be invoked using an ``sh'' (that is, a Bourne, POSIX, or compatible) shell. The syntax in these circumstances is:
% /bin/sh genmake2 -bash=/bin/sh [...options...]
where /bin/sh can be replaced with the full path and name of the desired shell.

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