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4.3.1 Specifying a domain decomposition
At its heart much of the WRAPPER works only in terms of a collection of tiles
which are interconnected to each other. This is also true of application
code operating within the WRAPPER. Application code is written as a series
of compute operations, each of which operates on a single tile. If
application code needs to perform operations involving data
associated with another tile, it uses a WRAPPER function to obtain
that data.
The specification of how a global domain is constructed from tiles or alternatively
how a global domain is decomposed into tiles is made in the file SIZE.h.
This file defines the following parameters
Together these parameters define a tiling decomposition of the style shown in
figure 4.9. The parameters sNx and sNy define
the size of an individual tile. The parameters OLx and OLy define the
maximum size of the overlap extent. This must be set to the maximum width
of the computation stencil that the numerical code finite-difference operations
require between overlap region updates. The maximum overlap required
by any of the operations in the MITgcm code distributed with this release is three grid
points. This is set by the requirements of the
dissipation and
diffusion operator. Code modifications and enhancements that involve adding wide
finite-difference stencils may require increasing OLx and OLy.
Setting OLx and OLy to a too large value will decrease code
performance (because redundant computations will be performed), however it will
not cause any other problems.
Figure 4.9:
The three level domain decomposition hierarchy employed by the
WRAPPER. A domain is composed of tiles. Multiple tiles can be allocated
to a single process. Multiple processes can exist, each with multiple tiles.
Tiles within a process can be spread over multiple compute threads.
The parameters nSx and nSy specify the number of tiles that will
be created within a single process. Each of these tiles will have internal
dimensions of sNx and sNy. If, when the code is executed, these tiles are
allocated to different threads of a process that are then bound to
different physical processors ( see the multi-threaded
execution discussion in section 4.3.2 ) then
computation will be performed concurrently on each tile. However, it is also
possible to run the same decomposition within a process running a single thread on
a single processor. In this case the tiles will be computed over sequentially.
If the decomposition is run in a single process running multiple threads
but attached to a single physical processor, then, in general, the computation
for different tiles will be interleaved by system level software.
This too is a valid mode of operation.
The parameters sNx, sNy, OLx, OLy, nSx andnSy are used extensively by
numerical code. The settings of sNx, sNy, OLx and OLy
are used to form the loop ranges for many numerical calculations and
to provide dimensions for arrays holding numerical state.
The nSx andnSy are used in conjunction with the thread number
parameter myThid. Much of the numerical code operating within the
WRAPPER takes the form
DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
a block of computations ranging
over 1,sNx +/- OLx and 1,sNy +/- OLy grid points
communication code to sum a number or maybe update
tile overlap regions
DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
another block of computations ranging
over 1,sNx +/- OLx and 1,sNy +/- OLy grid points
The variables myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid), myByLo(myThid) and myByHi(myThid) set the bounds of the loops in bi and bj in this
schematic. These variables specify the subset of the tiles in
the range 1,nSx and 1,nSy that the logical processor bound to
thread number myThid owns. The thread number variable myThid
ranges from 1 to the total number of threads requested at execution time.
For each value of myThid the loop scheme above will step sequentially
through the tiles owned by that thread. However, different threads will
have different ranges of tiles assigned to them, so that separate threads can
compute iterations of the bi, bj loop concurrently.
Within a bi, bj loop
computation is performed concurrently over as many processes and threads
as there are physical processors available to compute.
An exception to the the use of bi and bj in loops arises in the
exchange routines used when the exch2 package is used with the cubed
sphere. In this case bj is generally set to 1 and the loop runs from
1,bi. Within the loop bi is used to retrieve the tile number,
which is then used to reference exchange parameters.
The amount of computation that can be embedded
a single loop over bi and bj varies for different parts of the
MITgcm algorithm. Figure 4.10 shows a code extract
from the two-dimensional implicit elliptic solver. This portion of the
code computes the l2Norm of a vector whose elements are held in
the array cg2d_r writing the final result to scalar variable
err. In this case, because the l2norm requires a global reduction,
the bi,bj loop only contains one statement. This computation
phase is then followed by a communication phase in which all threads and
processes must participate. However,
in other areas of the MITgcm code entries subsections of code are within
a single bi,bj loop. For example the evaluation of all
the momentum equation prognostic terms ( see S/R DYNAMICS())
is within a single bi,bj loop.
Figure 4.10:
Example of numerical code for calculating
the l2-norm of a vector within the WRAPPER. Notice that
under the WRAPPER arrays such as cg2d_r have two extra trailing
dimensions. These right most indices are tile indexes. Different
threads with a single process operate on different ranges of tile
index, as controlled by the settings of
myByLo, myByHi, myBxLo and myBxHi.
The final decomposition parameters are nPx and nPy. These parameters
are used to indicate to the WRAPPER level how many processes (each with
nSy tiles) will be used for this simulation.
This information is needed during initialization and during I/O phases.
However, unlike the variables sNx, sNy, OLx, OLy, nSx and nSy
the values of nPx and nPy are absent
from the core numerical and support code.
The following different SIZE.h parameter setting illustrate how to
interpret the values of sNx, sNy, OLx, OLy, nSx, nSy, nPx
and nPy.
& sNx = 90,
& sNy = 40,
& OLx = 3,
& OLy = 3,
& nSx = 1,
& nSy = 1,
& nPx = 1,
& nPy = 1)
This sets up a single tile with x-dimension of ninety grid points, y-dimension of
forty grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each.
& sNx = 45,
& sNy = 20,
& OLx = 3,
& OLy = 3,
& nSx = 1,
& nSy = 1,
& nPx = 2,
& nPy = 2)
This sets up tiles with x-dimension of forty-five grid points, y-dimension of
twenty grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each. There are
four tiles allocated to four separate processes (nPx=2,nPy=2) and
arranged so that the global domain size is again ninety grid points in x and
forty grid points in y. In general the formula for global grid size (held in
model variables Nx and Ny) is
Nx = sNx*nSx*nPx
Ny = sNy*nSy*nPy
& sNx = 90,
& sNy = 10,
& OLx = 3,
& OLy = 3,
& nSx = 1,
& nSy = 2,
& nPx = 1,
& nPy = 2)
This sets up tiles with x-dimension of ninety grid points, y-dimension of
ten grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each. There are
four tiles allocated to two separate processes (nPy=2) each of which
has two separate sub-domains nSy=2,
The global domain size is again ninety grid points in x and
forty grid points in y. The two sub-domains in each process will be computed
sequentially if they are given to a single thread within a single process.
Alternatively if the code is invoked with multiple threads per process
the two domains in y may be computed concurrently.
& sNx = 32,
& sNy = 32,
& OLx = 3,
& OLy = 3,
& nSx = 6,
& nSy = 1,
& nPx = 1,
& nPy = 1)
This sets up tiles with x-dimension of thirty-two grid points, y-dimension of
thirty-two grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each.
There are six tiles allocated to six separate logical processors (nSx=6).
This set of values can be used for a cube sphere calculation.
Each tile of size
represents a face of the
cube. Initializing the tile connectivity correctly ( see section allows the rotations associated with
moving between the six cube faces to be embedded within the
tile-tile communication code.
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Up: 4.3 Using the WRAPPER
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Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |