Next: 3.13.3 Experiment Configuration
Up: 3.13 P coordinate Global
Previous: 3.13.1 Overview
Due to the pressure coordinate, the model can only be hydrostatic
de Szoeke and Samelson [2002]. The domain is discretized with a uniform grid
spacing in latitude and longitude on the sphere
, so that there are ninety grid cells in the zonal
and forty in the meridional direction. The internal model coordinate
are initialized according to
Arctic polar regions are not included in this experiment. Meridionally
the model extends from
Vertically the model is configured with fifteen layers with the
following thicknesses
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
Pa |
(here the numeric subscript indicates the model level index number,
; note, that the surface layer has the highest index number 15) to
give a total depth,
, of
. In pressure, this is
The implicit free surface form of the pressure equation described in
Marshall et al. Marshall et al. [1997b] with the nonlinear extension by
Campin et al. Campin et al. [2004] is employed. A Laplacian operator,
, provides viscous
dissipation. Thermal and haline diffusion is also represented by a Laplacian operator.
Wind-stress forcing is added to the momentum equations in (3.57)
for both the zonal flow,
and the meridional flow
, according to equations
(3.51) and (3.52).
Thermodynamic forcing inputs are added to the equations
in (3.57) for
potential temperature,
, and salinity,
, according to equations
(3.53) and (3.54).
This produces a set of equations solved in this configuration as follows:
(3.57) |
(3.58) |
0 |
(3.59) |
(3.60) |
(3.61) |
(3.62) |
are the zonal and meridional
components of the flow vector,
, on the sphere. As described
in MITgcm Numerical Solution Procedure 2, the
time evolution of potential temperature,
, equation is solved
prognostically. The full geopotential height,
, is diagnosed by
summing the geopotential height anomalies
due to bottom
and density variations. The integration of the
hydrostatic equation is started at the bottom of the domain. The
condition of
at the sea surface requires a time-independent
integration constant for the height anomaly due to density variations
, which is provided as an input field.
Next: 3.13.3 Experiment Configuration
Up: 3.13 P coordinate Global
Previous: 3.13.1 Overview
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2011-01-09 |