Next: 2.2 Time-stepping
Up: 2. Discretization and Algorithm
Previous: 2. Discretization and Algorithm
Because of the particularity of the vertical direction in stratified fluid
context, in this chapter, the vector notations are mostly used
for the horizontal component:
the horizontal part of a vector is simply written
(instead of
in chaper 1)
and a 3.D vector is simply written
(instead of
in chapter 1).
The notations we use to describe the discrete formulation
of the model are summarized hereafter:
general notation:
grid spacing in X,Y,R directions.
horizontal area of a grid cell surrounding
Volume of the grid box surrounding
: current index relative to X,Y,R directions;
basic operator:
= horizontal gradient operator :
= horizontal divergence operator :
= horizontal Laplacian operator :
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2011-01-09 |