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Up: 3.18 Global Ocean State
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One of the goal of this tutorial is to illustrate how to implement a new
control variable. Most of this is fairly generic and is done in the ctrl
and cost packages found in the pkg/ directory. The modifications can be
tracked by the CPP option ALLOW_HFLUXM_CONTROL or the comment
cHFLUXM_CONTROL. The more specific modifications required for the experiment
are found in verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad. Here follows
a brief description of the implementation.
The adjustment
is activated by setting
It is first implemented as a ``normal'' forcing variable. It is defined in
FFIELDS.h, initialized to zero in ini_forcing.F, and then used in
is made a control variable in
the ctrl package by modifying the following subroutines:
- ctrl_init.F where
is defined as the control variable
number 24,
- ctrl_pack.F which writes, at the end of each iteration, the sensitivity
of the cost function
in to a file to be
used by the line-search algorithm,
- ctrl_unpack.F which reads, at the start of each iteration, the updated
adjustment as provided by the line-search algorithm,
- ctrl_map_forcing.F in which the updated adjustment is added to the
first guess
Note also some minor changes in ctrl.h, ctrl_readparams.F, and ctrl_dummy.h
(xx_hfluxm_file, fname_hfluxm, xx_hfluxm_dummy).
The cost functions are implemented using the cost package.
- The temperature cost function
which measures the drift of the mean
model temperature from the Levitus climatology is implemented in cost_temp.F.
It is activated by ALLOW_COST_TEMP in ECCO_OPTIONS.h. It requires the mean
temperature of the model which is obtained by accumulating the temperature in
cost_tile.F (called at each time step).
The value of the cost function is stored in objf_temp and its weight
in mult_temp.
- The heat flux cost function, penalizing the departure of the surface
heat flux from observations is implemented in cost_hflux.F, and activated by
the key ALLOW_COST_HFLUXM in ECCO_OPTIONS.h. The value of the cost
function is stored in objf_hfluxm and its weight
- The subroutine cost_final.F calls the cost_functions subroutines
and make the (weighted) sum of the various contributions.
- The various weights used in the cost functions are read in
cost_weights.F. The weight of the cost functions are read in
cost_readparams.F from the input file data.cost.
Next: 3.18.3 Code Configuration
Up: 3.18 Global Ocean State
Previous: 3.18.1 Overview
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |