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For some purposes it is advantageous to write momentum advection in
eq(1.1) and (1.2) in the
(so-called) `vector invariant' form:
![$\displaystyle \frac{D\vec{\mathbf{v}}}{Dt}=\frac{\partial \vec{\mathbf{v}}}{\pa...
...bf{v}}+\nabla \left[ \frac{1}{2}(\vec{\mathbf{v}}\cdot \vec{\mathbf{v}})\right]$](img267.png) |
(1.44) |
This permits alternative numerical treatments of the non-linear terms based
on their representation as a vorticity flux. Because gradients of coordinate
vectors no longer appear on the rhs of (1.44), explicit
representation of the metric terms in (1.29), (1.30) and (1.31), can be avoided: information
about the geometry is contained in the areas and lengths of the volumes used
to discretize the model.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |