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6.5.2 Land package
This package provides a simple land model
based on Rong Zhang [] 2 layers model
(see documentation below).
It is primarily implemented for AIM (_v23) atmospheric physics
but could be adapted to work with a different atmospheric physics.
Two subroutines (aim_aim2land.F aim_land2aim.F
in pkg/aim_v23) are used as interface with AIM physics.
Number of layers is a parameter (land_nLev in LAND_SIZE.h)
and can be changed.
Note on Land Model
date: June 1999
author: Rong Zhang
This is a simple 2-layer land model. The top layer depth
, the
second layer depth
be the temperature of each layer,
be the
soil moisture of each layer. The field capacity
are the
maximum water amount in each layer, so
is the ratio of available
water to field capacity.
is the field
capapcity per meter soil
The land temperature is determined by total surface downward heat flux
(6.32) |
(6.33) |
are the heat capacity of each layer ,
is the
thermal conductivity,
(6.34) |
(6.35) |
are the heat capacity of water and dry soil respectively.
The soil moisture is determined by precipitation
and runoff
(6.36) |
is the time constant for diffusion of moisture between
(6.37) |
In the code,
gives better result,
are set to be within
[0, 1]. If
is greater than 1, then let
, i.e. the runoff of top
layer is put into second layer.
is the fraction of top layer runoff
that is put into second layer.
The time step is 1 hour, it takes several years to reach equalibrium offline. Land diagnostics
<-Name->|Levs|<-parsing code->|<-- Units -->|<- Tile (max=80c)
GrdSurfT| 1 |SM Lg |degC |Surface Temperature over land
GrdTemp | 2 |SM MG |degC |Ground Temperature at each level
GrdEnth | 2 |SM MG |J/m3 |Ground Enthalpy at each level
GrdWater| 2 |SM P MG |0-1 |Ground Water (vs Field Capacity) Fraction at each level
LdSnowH | 1 |SM P Lg |m |Snow Thickness over land
LdSnwAge| 1 |SM P Lg |s |Snow Age over land
RUNOFF | 1 |SM L1 |m/s |Run-Off per surface unit
EnRunOff| 1 |SM L1 |W/m^2 |Energy flux associated with run-Off
landHFlx| 1 |SM Lg |W/m^2 |net surface downward Heat flux over land
landPmE | 1 |SM Lg |kg/m^2/s |Precipitation minus Evaporation over land
ldEnFxPr| 1 |SM Lg |W/m^2 |Energy flux (over land) associated with Precip (snow,rain)
Hansen J. et al. Efficient three-dimensional global models for climate
studies: models I and II. Monthly Weather Review, vol.111, no.4, pp.
609-62, 1983 Experiments and tutorials that use land
- Global atmosphere experiment in aim.5l_cs verification directory.
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Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |