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We supply some basic scripts with the model to facilitate conversion
or reading of data into analysis software.
In the directory utils/scripts you will find joinds and
joinmds: these are perl scripts used from joining the multi-part
files created by MITgcm. Use joinmds always. You will only
need joinds if you are working with output older than two years
(prior to c23).
In the directory utils/matlab you will find several Matlab
scripts (.m or dot-em files). The priniciple script is rdmds.m
used for reading the multi-part model output files in to matlab. Place
the scripts in your matlab path or change the path appropriately, then
at the matlab prompt type:
>> help rdmds
to get help on how to use rdmds.
Another useful script scans the terminal output file for "monitor"
Most other scripts are for working in the curvilinear coordinate
systems which as yet are unpublished and undocumented.
The MITgcm netCDF integration is relatively new and the tools used to
work on netCDF data sets are developing. The following scripts and
utilities have been written to help manipulate MNC (netCDF) files:
- Tile Assembly:
- a matlab script utils/matlab/mnc_assembly.m is available for spatially
``assembling'' MNC output. A convenience wrapper script called utils/matlab/gluemnc.m is also provided. Please use the matlab
help facility for more information.
- gmt:
- As MITgcm evolves to handle more complicated domains and
topologies, a suite of matlab tools is being written to more
gracefully handle the model files. This suite is called ``gmt''
which refers to ``generalized model topology'' pre-/post-processing.
Currently, this directory contains a matlab script utils/matlab/gmt/rdnctiles.m that is able to read the MNC-created
netCDF files for any domain. Additional scripts are being created
that will work with these fields on a per-tile basis.
Next: 7.6.2 Pre-processing software
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Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |