The model domain is decomposed into tiles and within each tile a quasi-regular grid is used. A tile is the basic unit of domain decomposition for parallelization but may be used whether parallelized or not; see section 4.2.4 for more details. Although the tiles may be patched together in an unstructured manner (i.e. irregular or non-tessilating pattern), the interior of tiles is a structured grid of quadrilateral cells. The horizontal coordinate system is orthogonal curvilinear meaning we can not necessarily treat the two horizontal directions as separable. Instead, each cell in the horizontal grid is described by the length of it's sides and it's area. The grid information is quite general and describes any of the available coordinates systems, cartesian, spherical-polar or curvilinear. All that is necessary to distinguish between the coordinate systems is to initialize the grid data (descriptors) appropriately. In the following, we refer to the orientation of quantities on the computational grid using geographic terminology such as points of the compass. This is purely for convenience but should not be confused with the actual geographic orientation of model quantities.
Fig. 2.10a shows the tracer cell (synonymous with the
continuity cell). The length of the southern edge,
Fig. 2.10b shows the vorticity cell. The length of the
southern edge,
Fig. 2.10c shows the ``u'' or western (w) cell. The length of
the southern edge,
Fig. 2.10d shows the ``v'' or southern (s) cell. The length of
the northern edge, Reciprocals of horizontal grid descriptorsLengths and areas appear in the denominator of expressions as much as in the numerator. For efficiency and portability, we pre-calculate the reciprocal of the horizontal grid quantities so that in-line divisions can be avoided. For each grid descriptor (array) there is a reciprocal named using the prefix RECIP_. This doubles the amount of storage in GRID.h but they are all only 2-D descriptors. Cartesian coordinatesCartesian coordinates are selected when the logical flag usingCartesianGrid in namelist PARM04 is set to true. The grid spacing can be set to uniform via scalars dXspacing and dYspacing in namelist PARM04 or to variable resolution by the vectors DELX and DELY. Units are normally meters. Non-dimensional coordinates can be used by interpreting the gravitational constant as the Rayleigh number. Spherical-polar coordinatesSpherical coordinates are selected when the logical flag usingSphericalPolarGrid in namelist PARM04 is set to true. The grid spacing can be set to uniform via scalars dXspacing and dYspacing in namelist PARM04 or to variable resolution by the vectors DELX and DELY. Units of these namelist variables are alway degrees. The horizontal grid descriptors are calculated from these namelist variables have units of meters. Curvilinear coordinatesCurvilinear coordinates are selected when the logical flag usingCurvilinearGrid in namelist PARM04 is set to true. The grid spacing can not be set via the namelist. Instead, the grid descriptors are read from data files, one for each descriptor. As for other grids, the horizontal grid descriptors have units of meters.
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