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3.2.1 Method 1 - Checkout from CVS
If CVS is available on your system, we strongly encourage you to use it. CVS
provides an efficient and elegant way of organizing your code and keeping
track of your changes. If CVS is not available on your machine, you can also
download a tar file.
Before you can use CVS, the following environment variable(s) should
be set within your shell. For a csh or tcsh shell, put the following
% setenv CVSROOT
in your .cshrc or .tcshrc file. For bash or sh
shells, put:
% export CVSROOT=''
in your .profile or .bashrc file.
To get MITgcm through CVS, first register with the MITgcm CVS server
using command:
% cvs login ( CVS password: cvsanon )
You only need to do a ``cvs login'' once.
To obtain the latest sources type:
% cvs co -P MITgcm
or to get a specific release type:
% cvs co -P -r checkpoint52i_post MITgcm
The CVS command ``cvs co'' is the abreviation of the full-name
``cvs checkout'' command and using the option ``-P'' (cvs co -P)
will prevent to download unnecessary empty directories.
The MITgcm web site contains further directions concerning the source
code and CVS. It also contains a web interface to our CVS archive so
that one may easily view the state of files, revisions, and other
development milestones:
As a convenience, the MITgcm CVS server contains aliases which are
named subsets of the codebase. These aliases can be especially
helpful when used over slow internet connections or on machines with
restricted storage space. Table 3.1 contains a list
of CVS aliases
Table 3.1:
MITgcm CVS Modules
Alias Name |
Information (directories) Contained |
MITgcm_code |
Only the source code - none of the verification examples. |
MITgcm_verif_basic |
Source code plus a small set of the verification examples
(global_ocean.90x40x15, aim.5l_cs, hs94.128x64x5,
front_relax, and plume_on_slope). |
MITgcm_verif_atmos |
Source code plus all of the atmospheric examples. |
MITgcm_verif_ocean |
Source code plus all of the oceanic examples. |
MITgcm_verif_all |
Source code plus all of the
verification examples. |
The checkout process creates a directory called MITgcm. If
the directory MITgcm exists this command updates your code
based on the repository. Each directory in the source tree contains a
directory CVS. This information is required by CVS to keep
track of your file versions with respect to the repository. Don't edit
the files in CVS! You can also use CVS to download code
updates. More extensive information on using CVS for maintaining
MITgcm code can be found
It is important to note that the CVS aliases in Table
3.1 cannot be used in conjunction with the CVS
-d DIRNAME option. However, the MITgcm directories
they create can be changed to a different name following the check-out:
% cvs co -P MITgcm_verif_basic
% mv MITgcm MITgcm_verif_basic
Note that it is possible to checkout code without ``cvs login'' and without
setting any shell environment variables by specifying the pserver name and
password in one line, for example:
% cvs -d co -P MITgcm
If you already have an earlier version of the code you can ``upgrade''
your copy instead of downloading the entire repository again. First,
``cd'' (change directory) to the top of your working copy:
% cd MITgcm
and then issue the cvs update command such as:
% cvs -q update -d -P -r checkpoint52i_post
This will update the ``tag'' to ``checkpoint52i_post'', add any new
directories (-d) and remove any empty directories (-P). The -q option
means be quiet which will reduce the number of messages you'll see in
the terminal. If you have modified the code prior to upgrading, CVS
will try to merge your changes with the upgrades. If there is a
conflict between your modifications and the upgrade, it will report
that file with a ``C'' in front, e.g.:
C model/src/ini_parms.F
If the list of conflicts scrolled off the screen, you can re-issue the
cvs update command and it will report the conflicts. Conflicts are
indicated in the code by the delimites ``
'', ``======='' and
''. For example,
<<<<<<< ini_parms.F
& bottomDragLinear,myOwnBottomDragCoefficient,
& bottomDragLinear,bottomDragQuadratic,
>>>>>>> 1.18
means that you added ``myOwnBottomDragCoefficient'' to a namelist at
the same time and place that we added ``bottomDragQuadratic''. You
need to resolve this conflict and in this case the line should be
changed to:
& bottomDragLinear,bottomDragQuadratic,myOwnBottomDragCoefficient,
and the lines with the delimiters (
) be deleted.
Unless you are making modifications which exactly parallel
developments we make, these types of conflicts should be rare.
We don't make a ``release'' for every little patch and bug fix in
order to keep the frequency of upgrades to a minimum. However, if you
have run into a problem for which ``we have already fixed in the
latest code'' and we haven't made a ``tag'' or ``release'' since that
patch then you'll need to get the latest code:
% cvs -q update -d -P -A
Unlike, the ``check-out'' and ``update'' procedures above, there is no
``tag'' or release name. The -A tells CVS to upgrade to the
very latest version. As a rule, we don't recommend this since you
might upgrade while we are in the processes of checking in the code so
that you may only have part of a patch. Using this method of updating
also means we can't tell what version of the code you are working
with. So please be sure you understand what you're doing.
Next: 3.2.2 Method 2 -
Up: 3.2 Obtaining the code
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Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |