Stashchuk, Nataliya

1. Vlasenko V., N. Stashchuk, M.Inall, and J.Hopkins (2014) Tidal energy conversion in a global hot spot: on the 3D dynamics of baroclinic tides at the Celtic Sea shelf break. Journal of Geophysical Research, V119, doi:10.100 2/2013/C009708.

2. Grimshaw, R., K. Helfrich, C. Guo and V Vlasenko (2014) Combined effect of rotation and topography on shoaling of internal solitary waves. Journal of Phys. Oceanography V44, 1116-1132, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0194.1.

3. Cuthbertson, A., P.A Davies, N. Stashchuk, and V.Vlasenko. (2014) Model studies of dense water overflows in the Faroese Channels. Ocean Dynamics. V64, 273-292, doi: 10.1007/s10236-013-0685-2.

4. Vlasenko V., N. Stashchuk, M.Inall, and M.C.Palmer (2013) Generation of baroclinic tides over an isolated underwater bank. Journal of Geophysical Research, V118, 1–14, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20304.

5. Vlasenko V., Stashchuk N., and R. McEwan (2013) High-resolution modelling of a large-scale river plume. Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-013-0653.

6. Vlasenko V, Guo, C., and N. Stashchuk (2012). On the mechanism of A-type and B-type internal solitary wave generation in the northern South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, V69, 100-112, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2012.07.004.

7. Guo, C., V. Vlasenko, W.Alpers, N.Stashchuk, and N. Stashchuk (2012). Evidence of short internal waves trailing strong internal solitary waves in the South China Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, V124, 542-550, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2012.06.001.

8. Guo, C., X. Chen, V. Vlasenko, and N. Stashchuk (2011). Numerical investigation of internal solitary waves from the Luzon Strait: generation process, mechanism and three-dimensional effect. Ocean Modelling, V38, 203-216.

9. Stashchuk N., V. Vlasenko, and T.J. Sherwin (2011) Numerical investigation of deep water circulation in the Faroes Channel. Deep-Sea Research I, 58(7), 787-799.

10. Vlasenko V.I., N. Stashchuk, C.Guo and X. Chen (2010).Multimodal structure of baroclinic tides in the South China Sea. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, V17, 529-543.

11. Stashchuk N., V. Vlasenko, and T.J. Sherwin (2010) Insight into the structure of the Wyville Thomson Ridge overflow current from a fine-scale numerical modelling. Deep-Sea Research I, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.06.006.

12. Sanchez Garrido, J.C. and V.Vlasenko (2009) Long-term evolution of strongly nonlinear internal solitary waves in a rotating channel. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, V16, 587-598.

13. Stashchuk N., and V. Vlasenko (2009) Generation of internal waves by a supercritical stratified plume. Journal of Geophysical Research, V144, C01004.

14. Vlasenko V., J.C. Sanchez Garrido, N. Stashchuk, J.G. Lafuente and M. Losada (2009) Three-dimensional evolution of large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar. Journal of Physical Oceanography, V39, N10, 2230-2246.

15.  Vlasenko V. and N. Stashchuk (2007) Three-dimensional shoaling of large-amplitude internal waves. Journal of Geophysical Research V112, C11018, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004107.