Med Modeling

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Med Modeling

A team of Italian climate modelers has been evaluating the performance of a new version of the Regional Earth System Model (RegCM-ES) over the Mediterranean region. The model uses MITgcm for its ocean component.

How Climate Change Might Muscle-Out Mediterranean Mussels

This month we spotlight work by a collaboration between European and US researchers, who have been using MITgcm in their study of how a changing climate could impact Mediterranean mussel beds.

Reversing the Ionian

The driving mechanisms behind the decadal reversal of the Ionian Sea upper layer circulation recently sparked a considerable discussion in the Mediterranean scientific community. A new paper by Marco Reale uses MITgcm to explore.

Where the Med. and Atlantic Meet

alt text goes hereFor our first research story of 2013 we take a look at work by longtime MITgcm user Gianmaria Sannino modeling different aspects of the Mediterranean circulation.