The MITgcm code and documentation are under continuous development. Prior to February 2018, MITgcm was developed and maintained under CVS, but is now maintained using GitHub. Note that all the previous MITgcm development history has been kept in the new MITgcm Gitrepository while the former CVS repository is now frozen.

To browse the source code: see MITgcm Git repository

To download the source code:

The recommended approach is to use a git clone command, from your terminal window:

            % git clone

This will download an up-to-date version of the code, with full Git and GitHub version control integration. See the MITgcm documentation for more detailed information on downloading the code, or for instructions on how to load an archived checkpoint release of the code.

Alternatively, a one-time archive (in tarred, zipped format) of MITgcm can be downloaded:

Note these one-time archived copies are identical to those downloaded using git clone, but do not provide Git and GitHub version control integration.

MITgcm contrib files have yet to be incorporated into GitHub but can be viewed through the CVS code browser.