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3.9.3 Discrete Numerical Configuration
The domain is discretised with
a uniform grid spacing in latitude and longitude
, so
that there are sixty grid cells in the zonal and meridional directions.
Vertically the
model is configured with four layers with constant depth,
, of m. The internal, locally orthogonal, model coordinate
variables and are initialized from the values of
, ,
radians according to
The procedure for generating a set of internal grid variables from a
spherical polar grid specification is discussed in section
As described in 2.15, the time evolution of potential
, (equation 3.17)
is evaluated prognostically. The centered second-order scheme with
Adams-Bashforth time stepping described in section
2.15.1 is used to step forward the temperature
equation. Prognostic terms in
the momentum equations are solved using flux form as
described in section .
The pressure forces that drive the fluid motions, (
), are found by summing pressure due to surface
elevation and the hydrostatic pressure. The hydrostatic part of the
pressure is diagnosed explicitly by integrating density. The sea-surface
height, , is diagnosed using an implicit scheme. The pressure
field solution method is described in sections
2.3 and
. Numerical Stability Criteria
The Laplacian viscosity coefficient, , is set to
This value is chosen to yield a Munk layer width,
(3.24) |
km. This is greater than the model
resolution in mid-latitudes
, ensuring that the frictional
boundary layer is well resolved.
The model is stepped forward with a
time step
secs. With this time step the stability
parameter to the horizontal Laplacian friction
(3.25) |
evaluates to 0.012, which is well below the 0.3 upper limit
for stability for this term under ABII time-stepping.
The vertical dissipation coefficient, , is set to
. The associated stability limit
(3.26) |
evaluates to
which is again well below
the upper limit.
The values of and are also used for the horizontal ( )
and vertical ( ) diffusion coefficients for temperature respectively.
The numerical stability for inertial oscillations
(3.27) |
evaluates to , which is well below the upper
limit for stability.
The advective CFL for a extreme maximum
horizontal flow
speed of
(3.28) |
evaluates to
. This is well below the stability
limit of 0.5.
The stability parameter for internal gravity waves
propagating at
(3.29) |
evaluates to
. This is well below the linear
stability limit of 0.25.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |