The algorithm presented here retains the state variables on the high resolution 'physics' grid as well as on the coarser resolution 'dynamics` grid, and ensures that the two estimates of the state 'agree' on the coarse resolution grid. It would have been possible to implement a technique in which the tendencies due to atmospheric physics are computed on the high resolution grid and the state variables are retained at low resolution only. This, however, for the case of the turbulence parameterization, would mean that the turbulent kinetic energy source terms, and all the turbulence terms that are written in terms of gradients of the mean flow, cannot really be computed making use of the fine structure in the vertical. Equations on Both Grids
In addition to computing the physical forcing terms of the momentum, thermodynamic and humidity
equations on the modified (higher resolution) grid, the higher resolution structure of the
atmosphere (the boundary layer) is retained between physics calculations. This neccessitates
a second set of evolution equations for the atmospheric state variables on the modified grid.
If the equation for the evolution of
![]() where the physics forcing terms on ![]() ![]()
![]() where ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Time stepping SequenceIf we write![]() ![]() InterpolationIn order to minimize the correction terms for the state variables on the alternative, higher resolution grid, the vertical interpolation scheme must be constructed so that a dynamics-to-physics interpolation can be exactly reversed with a physics-to-dynamics mapping. The simple scheme employed to achieve this is:
Coarse to fine: For all physics layers l in dynamics layer L,
Fine to coarse: For all physics layers l in dynamics layer L,
Where Key subroutines, parameters and filesOne of the central elements of the gridalt package is the routine which is called from subroutine gridalt_initialise to define the grid to be used for the high end physics calculations. Routine make_phys_grid passes back the parameters which define the grid, ultimately stored in the common block gridalt_mapping.
subroutine make_phys_grid(drF,hfacC,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,Nr, . Nsx,Nsy,i1,i2,j1,j2,bi,bj,Nrphys,Lbot,dpphys,numlevphys,nlperdyn) c*********************************************************************** c Purpose: Define the grid that the will be used to run the high-end c atmospheric physics. c c Algorithm: Fit additional levels of some (~) known thickness in c between existing levels of the grid used for the dynamics c c Need: Information about the dynamics grid vertical spacing c c Input: drF - delta r (p*) edge-to-edge c hfacC - fraction of grid box above topography c im1, im2 - beginning and ending i - dimensions c jm1, jm2 - beginning and ending j - dimensions c Nr - number of levels in dynamics grid c Nsx,Nsy - number of processes in x and y direction c i1, i2 - beginning and ending i - index to fill c j1, j2 - beginning and ending j - index to fill c bi, bj - x-dir and y-dir index of process c Nrphys - number of levels in physics grid c c Output: dpphys - delta r (p*) edge-to-edge of physics grid c numlevphys - number of levels used in the physics c nlperdyn - physics level number atop each dynamics layer c c NOTES: 1) Pressure levs are built up from bottom, using p0, ps and dp: c p(i,j,k)=p(i,j,k-1) + dp(k)*ps(i,j)/p0(i,j) c 2) Output dp's are aligned to fit EXACTLY between existing c levels of the dynamics vertical grid c 3) IMPORTANT! This routine assumes the levels are numbered c from the bottom up, ie, level 1 is the surface. c IT WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE!!! c 4) This routine does NOT work for surface pressures less c (ie, above in the atmosphere) than about 350 mb c***********************************************************************
In the case of the grid used to compute the atmospheric physical
forcing (fizhi package), the locations of the grid points move in time with
the MITgcm
subroutine gridalt_update(myThid) c*********************************************************************** c Purpose: Update the pressure thicknesses of the layers of the c alternative vertical grid (used now for atmospheric physics). c c Calculate: dpphys - new delta r (p*) edge-to-edge of physics grid c using dpphys0 (initial value) and rstarfacC c*********************************************************************** The gridalt package also supplies utility routines which perform the mappings from one grid to the other. These routines are called from the code which computes the fields on the alternative (fizhi) grid.
subroutine dyn2phys(qdyn,pedyn,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,lmdyn,Nsx,Nsy, . idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,bi,bj,windphy,pephy,Lbot,lmphy,nlperdyn, . flg,qphy) C*********************************************************************** C Purpose: C To interpolate an arbitrary quantity from the 'dynamics' eta (pstar) C grid to the higher resolution physics grid C Algorithm: C Routine works one layer (edge to edge pressure) at a time. C Dynamics -> Physics retains the dynamics layer mean value, C weights the field either with the profile of the physics grid C wind speed (for U and V fields), or uniformly (T and Q) C C Input: C qdyn..... [im,jm,lmdyn] Arbitrary Quantity on Input Grid C pedyn.... [im,jm,lmdyn+1] Pressures at bottom edges of input levels C im1,2 ... Limits for Longitude Dimension of Input C jm1,2 ... Limits for Latitude Dimension of Input C lmdyn.... Vertical Dimension of Input C Nsx...... Number of processes in x-direction C Nsy...... Number of processes in y-direction C idim1,2.. Beginning and ending i-values to calculate C jdim1,2.. Beginning and ending j-values to calculate C bi....... Index of process number in x-direction C bj....... Index of process number in x-direction C windphy.. [im,jm,lmphy] Magnitude of the wind on the output levels C pephy.... [im,jm,lmphy+1] Pressures at bottom edges of output levels C lmphy.... Vertical Dimension of Output C nlperdyn. [im,jm,lmdyn] Highest Physics level in each dynamics level C flg...... Flag to indicate field type (0 for T or Q, 1 for U or V) C C Output: C qphy..... [im,jm,lmphy] Quantity at output grid (physics grid) C C Notes: C 1) This algorithm assumes that the output (physics) grid levels C fit exactly into the input (dynamics) grid levels C*********************************************************************** And similarly, gridalt contains subroutine phys2dyn.
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