
Category: Climate modeling

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Life in Hot Water

Researchers at the University of Hawai’i, Manoa, and the Coral Reef Research Foundation, Palau use ECCO state estimates in their study of how western tropical Pacific temperature conditions impact coral bleaching.

A Big Enough Flood

Geologists from WHOI and UMass have been using MITgcm to probe whether melting arctic sea-ice could have slowed the AMOC enough to precipitate the Younger Dryas.

Tracking Down Climate’s Tipping Points

A group at UNIGE in Switzerland uses MITgcm aquaplanet experiments to probe climate sensitivity.

Tracking the Heat

Researchers in the US and the UK have been analyzing ocean heat transport in a recent ECCO dataset to investigate how it varies globally

Cooling Climate with Volcanoes

MIT study uses MITgcm to probe the ocean’s role in mediating the climate’s response to volcanic eruptions.

Plunging into Early Paleozoic Oceans with MITgcm

This month we spotlight new work by Alexandre Pohl and co-authors from France and the UK concerning ocean circulation in deep geological time. Pohl et al used a coupled ocean-atmosphere setup of the MITgcm to investigate the relationships between climate and marine biogeochemistry during the Late Ordovician (445 million years ago).

How Climate Change Might Muscle-Out Mediterranean Mussels

This month we spotlight work by a collaboration between European and US researchers, who have been using MITgcm in their study of how a changing climate could impact Mediterranean mussel beds.

Summing Up Southern Ocean Upwelling

This month we spotlight work using MITgcm to better understand how upwelling associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current connects with atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Snowballs in Summer

Cool off with a study from Ashkenazy, Gildor, Losch and Tziperman who use MITgcm to explore the ocean in models of snowball earth.

Small Storms; Big Floods: Far-Reaching Impacts

alt text goes hereThis month we focus on Alan Condron, a Research Assistant Professor in the Climate System Research Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who uses MITgcm to investigate past and future climate sensitivity to changes in Arctic meltwater.