Next: 1.2.7 Global state estimation
Up: 1.2 Illustrations of the
Previous: 1.2.5 Boundary forced internal
Forward and tangent linear counterparts of MITgcm are supported using an
`automatic adjoint compiler'. These can be used in parameter sensitivity and
data assimilation studies.
As one example of application of the MITgcm adjoint, Figure
1.10 maps the gradient
is the magnitude of the overturning
stream-function shown in figure 1.7 at
is the mean, local
air-sea heat flux over a 100 year period. We see that
is sensitive
to heat fluxes over the Labrador Sea, one of the important sources of
deep water for the thermohaline circulations. This calculation also
yields sensitivities to all other model parameters.
Figure 1.10:
Sensitivity of meridional overturning strength to surface heat flux
changes. Contours show the magnitude of the response (in
) that a persistent
heat flux anomaly at a given gid point would
Next: 1.2.7 Global state estimation
Up: 1.2 Illustrations of the
Previous: 1.2.5 Boundary forced internal
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |