Next: 1.2.8 Ocean biogeochemical cycles
Up: 1.2 Illustrations of the
Previous: 1.2.6 Parameter sensitivity using
An important application of MITgcm is in state estimation of the global
ocean circulation. An appropriately defined `cost function', which measures
the departure of the model from observations (both remotely sensed and
in-situ) over an interval of time, is minimized by adjusting `control
parameters' such as air-sea fluxes, the wind field, the initial conditions
etc. Figure 1.11 shows the large scale planetary
circulation and a Hopf-Muller plot of Equatorial sea-surface height.
Both are obtained from assimilation bringing the model in to
consistency with altimetric and in-situ observations over the period
Figure 1.11:
Top panel shows circulation patterns from a
multi-year, global circulation simulation constrained by Topex altimeter
data and WOCE cruise observations. Bottom panel shows the equatorial
sea-surface height in unconstrained (left), constrained (middle) simulations
and in observations. This output is from a higher resolution, shorter
duration experiment with equatorially enhanced grid spacing.
Next: 1.2.8 Ocean biogeochemical cycles
Up: 1.2 Illustrations of the
Previous: 1.2.6 Parameter sensitivity using
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |