Next: 1.2.1 Global atmosphere: `Held-Suarez'
Up: 1. Overview of MITgcm
Previous: 1.1 Introduction
MITgcm has been designed and used to model a wide range of phenomena,
from convection on the scale of meters in the ocean to the global pattern of
atmospheric winds - see figure 1.2. To give a flavor of the
kinds of problems the model has been used to study, we briefly describe some
of them here. A more detailed description of the underlying formulation,
numerical algorithm and implementation that lie behind these calculations is
given later. Indeed many of the illustrative examples shown below can be
easily reproduced: simply download the model (the minimum you need is a PC
running Linux, together with a FORTRAN 77 compiler) and follow the examples
described in detail in the documentation.
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |