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5.2.5 The control variables (independent variables)

The control variables are a subset of the model input (initial conditions, boundary conditions, model parameters). Here we identify them with the variable $ \vec{u}$ . All intermediate variables whose derivative w.r.t. control variables do not vanish are called active variables. All subroutines whose derivative w.r.t. the control variables don't vanish are called active routines. Read and write operations from and to file can be viewed as variable assignments. Therefore, files to which active variables are written and from which active variables are read are called active files. All aspects relevant to the treatment of the control variables (parameter setting, initialization, perturbation) are controlled by the package pkg/ctrl.

Figure 5.5:  
\vert-- ctrl_pack - pack control vector\end{verbatim}
}\end{figure} genmake and CPP options

  • \fbox{
{\it genmake}, {\it CPP\_OPTIONS.h}, {\it ECCO\_CPPOPTIONS.h}
To enable the directory to be included to the compile list, ctrl has to be added to the enable list in .genmakerc or in genmake itself (analogous to cost package, cf. previous section). Each control variable is enabled via its own CPP option in ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h. Initialization

  • \fbox{
Parameters: {\it ctrl\_readparms}
    This S/R reads runtime flags and parameters from file data.ctrl. For the present example the file contains the file names of each control variable that is used. In addition, the number of wet points for each control variable and the net dimension of the space of control variables (counting wet points only) nvarlength is determined. Masks for wet points for each tile (bi,bj) and vertical layer k are generated for the three relevant categories on the C-grid: nWetCtile for tracer fields, nWetWtile for zonal velocity fields, nWetStile for meridional velocity fields.
  • \fbox{
Control variables, control vector,
and their gradients: {\it ctrl\_unpack}
    Two important issues related to the handling of the control variables in MITgcm need to be addressed. First, in order to save memory, the control variable arrays are not kept in memory, but rather read from file and added to the initial fields during the model initialization phase. Similarly, the corresponding adjoint fields which represent the gradient of the cost function w.r.t. the control variables are written to file at the end of the adjoint integration. Second, in addition to the files holding the 2-dim. and 3-dim. control variables and the corresponding cost gradients, a 1-dim. control vector and gradient vector are written to file. They contain only the wet points of the control variables and the corresponding gradient. This leads to a significant data compression. Furthermore, an option is available (ALLOW_NONDIMENSIONAL_CONTROL_IO) to non-dimensionalise the control and gradient vector, which otherwise would contain different pieces of different magnitudes and units. Finally, the control and gradient vector can be passed to a minimization routine if an update of the control variables is sought as part of a minimization exercise.

    The files holding fields and vectors of the control variables and gradient are generated and initialised in S/R ctrl_unpack. Perturbation of the independent variables

The dependency flow for differentiation w.r.t. the controls starts with adding a perturbation onto the input variable, thus defining the independent or control variables for TAF. Three types of controls may be considered:
  • \fbox{
{\it ctrl\_map\_ini} (initial value sensitivity):
    Consider as an example the initial tracer distribution tr1 as control variable. After tr1 has been initialised in ini_tr1 (dynamical variables such as temperature and salinity are initialised in ini_fields), a perturbation anomaly is added to the field in S/R ctrl_map_ini

    \begin{equation*}\begin{aligned}u & = \, u_{[0]} \, + \, \Delta u \\ {\bf tr1}(....
... \, {\bf tr1_{ini}}(...) \, + \, {\bf xx\_tr1}(...) \end{aligned}\end{equation*}

    xx_tr1 is a 3-dim. global array holding the perturbation. In the case of a simple sensitivity study this array is identical to zero. However, it's specification is essential in the context of automatic differentiation since TAF treats the corresponding line in the code symbolically when determining the differentiation chain and its origin. Thus, the variable names are part of the argument list when calling TAF:
    taf -input 'xx_tr1 ...' ...
    Now, as mentioned above, MITgcm avoids maintaining an array for each control variable by reading the perturbation to a temporary array from file. To ensure the symbolic link to be recognized by TAF, a scalar dummy variable xx_tr1_dummy is introduced and an 'active read' routine of the adjoint support package pkg/autodiff is invoked. The read-procedure is tagged with the variable xx_tr1_dummy enabling TAF to recognize the initialization of the perturbation. The modified call of TAF thus reads
    taf -input 'xx_tr1_dummy ...' ...
    and the modified operation to (5.14) in the code takes on the form
           call active_read_xyz( 
         &      ..., tmpfld3d, ..., xx_tr1_dummy, ... )
           tr1(...) = tr1(...) + tmpfld3d(...)
    Note, that reading an active variable corresponds to a variable assignment. Its derivative corresponds to a write statement of the adjoint variable, followed by a reset. The 'active file' routines have been designed to support active read and corresponding adjoint active write operations (and vice versa).
  • \fbox{
{\it ctrl\_map\_forcing} (boundary value sensitivity):
    The handling of boundary values as control variables proceeds exactly analogous to the initial values with the symbolic perturbation taking place in S/R ctrl_map_forcing. Note however an important difference: Since the boundary values are time dependent with a new forcing field applied at each time steps, the general problem may be thought of as a new control variable at each time step (or, if the perturbation is averaged over a certain period, at each $ N $ timesteps), i.e.

    $\displaystyle u_{\rm forcing} \, = \,
\{ \, u_{\rm forcing} ( t_n ) \, \}_{
n \, = \, 1, \ldots , {\rm nTimeSteps} }

    In the current example an equilibrium state is considered, and only an initial perturbation to surface forcing is applied with respect to the equilibrium state. A time dependent treatment of the surface forcing is implemented in the ECCO environment, involving the calendar (cal ) and external forcing (exf ) packages.
  • \fbox{
{\it ctrl\_map\_params} (parameter sensitivity):
    This routine is not yet implemented, but would proceed proceed along the same lines as the initial value sensitivity. The mixing parameters diffkr and kapgm are currently added as controls in ctrl_map_ini.F. Output of adjoint variables and gradient

Several ways exist to generate output of adjoint fields.
  • \fbox{
{\it ctrl\_map\_ini, ctrl\_map\_forcing}:
    • xx_...: the control variable fields
      Before the forward integration, the control variables are read from file xx_ ... and added to the model field.
    • adxx_...: the adjoint variable fields, i.e. the gradient $ \nabla _{u}{\cal J} $ for each control variable
      After the adjoint integration the corresponding adjoint variables are written to adxx_ ....
  • \fbox{
{\it ctrl\_unpack, ctrl\_pack}:
    • vector_ctrl: the control vector
      At the very beginning of the model initialization, the updated compressed control vector is read (or initialised) and distributed to 2-dim. and 3-dim. control variable fields.
    • vector_grad: the gradient vector
      At the very end of the adjoint integration, the 2-dim. and 3-dim. adjoint variables are read, compressed to a single vector and written to file.
  • \fbox{
{\it addummy\_in\_stepping}:
    In addition to writing the gradient at the end of the forward/adjoint integration, many more adjoint variables of the model state at intermediate times can be written using S/R addummy_in_stepping. This routine is part of the adjoint support package pkg/autodiff (cf.f. below). The procedure is enabled using via the CPP-option ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR (file ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h). To be part of the adjoint code, the corresponding S/R dummy_in_stepping has to be called in the forward model (S/R the_main_loop) at the appropriate place. The adjoint common blocks are extracted from the adjoint code via the header file adcommon.h.

    dummy_in_stepping is essentially empty, the corresponding adjoint routine is hand-written rather than generated automatically. Appropriate flow directives (dummy_in_stepping.flow) ensure that TAMC does not automatically generate addummy_in_stepping by trying to differentiate dummy_in_stepping, but instead refers to the hand-written routine.

    dummy_in_stepping is called in the forward code at the beginning of each timestep, before the call to dynamics, thus ensuring that addummy_in_stepping is called at the end of each timestep in the adjoint calculation, after the call to addynamics.

    addummy_in_stepping includes the header files adcommon.h. This header file is also hand-written. It contains the common blocks /addynvars_r/, /addynvars_cd/, /addynvars_diffkr/, /addynvars_kapgm/, /adtr1_r/, /adffields/, which have been extracted from the adjoint code to enable access to the adjoint variables.

    WARNING: If the structure of the common blocks /dynvars_r/, /dynvars_cd/, etc., changes similar changes will occur in the adjoint common blocks. Therefore, consistency between the TAMC-generated common blocks and those in adcommon.h have to be checked. Control variable handling for optimization applications

In optimization mode the cost function $ {\cal J}(u)$ is sought to be minimized with respect to a set of control variables $ \delta {\cal J} \, = \, 0 $ , in an iterative manner. The gradient $ \nabla _{u}{\cal J} \vert _{u_{[k]}} $ together with the value of the cost function itself $ {\cal J}(u_{[k]}) $ at iteration step $ k$ serve as input to a minimization routine (e.g. quasi-Newton method, conjugate gradient, ... Gilbert and Lemaréchal [1989]) to compute an update in the control variable for iteration step $ k+1$

$\displaystyle u_{[k+1]} \, = \, u_{[0]} \, + \, \Delta u_{[k+1]}$   satisfying$\displaystyle \quad
{\cal J} \left( u_{[k+1]} \right) \, < \, {\cal J} \left( u_{[k]} \right)

$ u_{[k+1]} $ then serves as input for a forward/adjoint run to determine $ {\cal J} $ and $ \nabla _{u}{\cal J} $ at iteration step $ k+1$ . Tab. ref:ask-the-author sketches the flow between forward/adjoint model and the minimization routine.

u_{[0]} \,\, , \,\, \Delta u_{[k]} & ~ &...
...downarrow \\
~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & \Delta u_{[k+1]} \\

The routines ctrl_unpack and ctrl_pack provide the link between the model and the minimization routine. As described in Section ref:ask-the-author the unpack and pack routines read and write control and gradient vectors which are compressed to contain only wet points, in addition to the full 2-dim. and 3-dim. fields. The corresponding I/O flow looks as follows:

vector_ctrl_$ <$ k$ >$        
xx_theta0...$ <$ k$ >$        
xx_salt0...$ <$ k$ >$ $ \stackrel{\mbox{read}}{\longrightarrow}$ forward integration    
    $ \downarrow$    
        adxx_theta0...$ <$ k$ >$
    adjoint integration $ \stackrel{\mbox{write}}{\longrightarrow}$ adxx_salt0...$ <$ k$ >$
        vector_grad_$ <$ k$ >$

ctrl_unpack reads the updated control vector vector_ctrl_$ <$ k$ >$ . It distributes the different control variables to 2-dim. and 3-dim. files xx_...$ <$ k$ >$ . At the start of the forward integration the control variables are read from xx_...$ <$ k$ >$ and added to the field. Correspondingly, at the end of the adjoint integration the adjoint fields are written to adxx_...$ <$ k$ >$ , again via the active file routines. Finally, ctrl_pack collects all adjoint files and writes them to the compressed vector file vector_grad_$ <$ k$ >$ .

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