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7.3.1 MDSIO
The mdsio package contains a group of Fortran routines
intended as a general interface for reading and writing direct-access
(``binary'') Fortran files. The mdsio routines are used by
the rw package.
The mdsio package is currently the primary method for MITgcm
I/O, but it is not being actively extended or enhanced. Instead, the
mnc netCDF package (see Section 7.2) is
expected to gain all of the current mdsio functionality and,
eventually, replace it. For the short term, every effort has been
made to allow mnc and mdsio to peacefully co-exist.
In may cases, the model can read one format and write to the other.
This side-by-side functionality can be used to, for instance, help
convert pickup files or other data sets between the two formats.
The mdsio package is geared toward the reading and writing of
floating point (Fortran REAL*4 or REAL*8) arrays.
It assumes that the in-memory layout of all arrays follows the per-tile
MITgcm convention
C Example of a "2D" array
_RL anArray(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
C Example of a "3D" array
_RL anArray(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,1:Nr,nSx,nSy)
where the first two dimensions are spatial or ``horizontal'' indicies
that include a ``halo'' or exchange region (please see
Chapters 4 and 6.2.4 which describe domain
decomposition), and the remaining indicies (Nr,nSx,
and nSx) are often present but not required.
In order to write output, the mdsio package is called with a
function such as:
CALL MDSWRITEFIELD(fn,prec,lgf,typ,Nr,arr,irec,myIter,myThid)
- fn
- is a CHARACTER string containing a file
``base'' name which will then be used to create file names that
contain tile and/or model iteration indicies
- prec
- is an integer that contains one of two globally
defined values (precFloat64 or precFloat32)
- lgf
- is a LOGICAL that typically contains
the globally defined globalFile option which specifies
the creation of globally (spatially) concatenated files
- typ
- is a CHARACTER string that specifies
the type of the variable being written ('RL' or
- Nr
- is an integer that specifies the number of
vertical levels within the variable being written
- arr
- is the variable (array) to be written
- irec
- is the starting record within the output file
that will contain the array
- myIter,myThid
- are integers containing, respectively,
the current model iteration count and the unique thread ID for the
current context of execution
As one can see from the above (generic) example, enough information is
made available (through both the argument list and through common blocks)
for the mdsio package to perform the following tasks:
- open either a per-tile file such as:
or a ``global'' file such as
- byte-swap (as necessary) the input array and write its contents
(minus any halo information) to the binary file - or to the correct
location within the binary file if the globalfile option is used, and
- create an ASCII-text metadata file (same name as the binary but
with a .meta extension) describing the binary file contents
(often, for later use with the MatLAB rdmds() utility).
Reading output with mdsio is very similar to writing it. A
typical function call is
CALL MDSREADFIELD(fn,prec,typ,Nr,arr,irec,myThid)
where variables are exactly the same as the MDSWRITEFIELD
example provided above. It is important to note that the lgf
argument is missing from the MDSREADFIELD function. By
default, mdsio will first try to read from an appropriately
named global file and, failing that, will try to read from a per-tile
When using mdsio, one should be aware of the following
package features and limitations:
- Byte-swapping
- is, for the most part, gracefully handled. All
files intended for reading/writing by mdsio should contain
big-endian (sometimes called ``network byte order'') data. By
handling byte-swapping within the model, MITgcm output is more
easily ported between different machines, architectures, compilers,
etc. Byteswapping can be turned on/off at compile time within
mdsio using the _BYTESWAPIO CPP macro which is
usually set within a genmake2 options file or
``optfile'' which are located in
Additionally, some compilers may have byte-swap options that are
speedier or more convenient to use.
- Types
- are currently limited to single- or double-precision
floating point values. These values can be converted, on-the-fly,
from one to the other so that any combination of either single- or
double-precision variables can be read from or written to files
containing either single- or double-precision data.
- Array sizes
- are limited. The mdsio package is very
much geared towards the reading/writing of per-tile (that is,
domain-decomposed and halo-ed) arrays. Data that cannot be made to
``fit'' within these assumed sizes can be challenging to read or
write with mdsio.
- Tiling
- or domain decomposition is automatically handled by
mdsio for logically rectangular grid topologies
(eg. lat-lon grids) and ``standard'' cubesphere topologies.
More complicated topologies will probably not be supported. The
mdsio package can, without any coding changes, read and
write to/from files that were run on the same global grid but with
different tiling (grid decomposition) schemes. For example,
mdsio can use and/or create identical input/output files
for a ``C32'' cube when the model is run with either 6, 12, or 24
tiles (corresponding to 1, 2 or 4 tiles per cubesphere face).
Currently, this is one of the primary advantages that the
mdsio package has over mnc.
- Single-CPU I/O
- can be specified with the flag
useSingleCpuIO = .TRUE.,
in the PARM01 namelist within the main data file.
Single-CPU I/O mode is appropriate for computers (eg. some
SGI systems) where it can either speed overall I/O or solve problems
where the operating system or file systems cannot correctly handle
multiple threads or MPI processes simultaneously writing to the same
- Meta-data
- is written by MITgcm on a per-file basis using a
second file with a .meta extension as described above.
MITgcm itself does not read the *.meta files, they are
there primarly for convenience during post-processing. One should
be careful not to delete the meta-data files when using MatLAB
post-processing scripts such as rdmds() since it relies
upon them.
- Numerous files
- can be written by mdsio due to its
typically per-time-step and per-variable orientation. The creation of
both a binary (*.data) and ASCII text meta-data
(*.meta) file for each output type step tends to exacerbate
the problem. Some (mostly, older) operating systems do not
gracefully handle large numbers (eg. many thousands) of
files within one directory. So care should be taken to split output
into smaller groups using subdirectories.
- Overwriting
- is the default behavior for
mdsio. If a model tries to write to a file name that
already exists, the older file will be deleted. For this
reason, MITgcm users should be careful to move output that that wish
to keep into, for instance, subdirectories before performing
subsequent runs that may over-lap in time or otherwise produce
files with identical names (eg. Monte-Carlo simulations).
- No ``halo'' information
- is written or read by mdsio.
Along the horizontal dimensions, all variables are written in an
sNx-by-sNy fashion. So, although variables
(arrays) may be defined at different locations on Arakawa grids [U
(right/left horizontal edges), V (top/bottom horizontal edges), M
(mass or cell center), or Z (vorticity or cell corner) points], they
are all written using only interior (1:sNx and
1:sNy) values. For quantities defined at U, V, and M
points, writing 1:sNx and 1:sNy for every tile is
sufficient to ensure that all values are written globally for some
grids (eg. cubesphere, re-entrant channels, and doubly-periodic
rectangular regions). For Z points, failing to write values at the
sNx+1 and sNy+1 locations means that, for some
tile topologies, not all values are written. For instance, with a
cubesphere topology at least two corner values are ``lost'' (fail to
be written for any tile) if the sNx+1 and sNy+1
values are ignored. To fix this problem, the mnc package
writes the sNx+1 and sNy+1 grid values for the U,
V, and Z locations. Also, the mnc package is capable of
reading and/or writing entire halo regions and more complicated
array shapes which can be helpful when debugging-features that
do not exist within mdsio.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |