Next: 7.7.5 Notes on the
Up: 7.7 Potential vorticity Matlab
Previous: 7.7.3 Key routines
A file name is formed by three parameters which need to be set up as global variables in Matlab
before running any routines. They are:
- the prefix, ie the variable name (netcdf_UVEL for example). This
parameter is specified in the help section of all diagnostic routines.
- netcdf_domain: the geographical domain.
- netcdf_suff: the netcdf extension (nc or cdf for example).
Then, for example, if the calling Matlab routine had set up:
global netcdf_THETA netcdf_SALTanom netcdf_domain netcdf_suff
netcdf_THETA = 'THETA';
netcdf_SALTanom = 'SALT';
netcdf_domain = 'north_atlantic';
netcdf_suff = 'nc';
the routine A_compute_potential_density.m to compute the potential density
field, will look for the files:
and the output file will automatically be: SIGMATHETA.north_atlantic.nc.
Otherwise indicated, output file prefix cannot be changed.
All diagnostic routines look for input files in a subdirectory (relative to the Matlab
routine directory) called ./netcdf-files which in turn, is supposed to contain
subdirectories for each set of fields. For example, computing the potential density for
the timestep 12H00 02/03/2005 will require a
subdirectory with the potential temperature and salinity files like:
The output file SIGMATHETA.north_atlantic.nc will be created in ./netcdf-files/200501031200/.
All diagnostic routines take as argument the name of the timestep subdirectory into
With MITgcm numerical outputs, velocity and tracer fields may not be defined on the same
grid. Usually, UVEL and VVEL are defined on a C-grid but when interpolated from a
cube-sphere simulation they are defined on a A-grid. When it is needed, routines allow
to set up a global variable which define the grid to use.
Next: 7.7.5 Notes on the
Up: 7.7 Potential vorticity Matlab
Previous: 7.7.3 Key routines
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |