Exploring the Southern Ocean pCO2 Wind Stress Connection

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Exploring the Southern Ocean pCO2 Wind Stress Connection

This month we spotlight work from UK researchers led by Ben Bronselaer (formerly of Oxford, now at Princeton) who have been using MITgcm to understand the feedback between mixed-layer partial pressure of carbon dioxide pCO2 and wind stress in the Southern Ocean.

Arctic Carbon Cycle Modeling

Arctic Biogeochemical Model - Change in Surface Net Community Production, year-on-year between 2006 and 2007 using MITgcm. Motivated by observations indicating rapidly falling annual sea-ice minima, Manfredi Manizza and co-workers have been using an Arctic configuration of MITgcm to explore the Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle.

Anthropogenic CO2 transport in the Southern Ocean.

In and out: Driven by winds, the Southern Ocean's currents (blue globe) transport CO2 (red) northward. Credit: T. Ito et al., Nature 463 (2010)Taka Ito, Molly Woloszyn and Matt Mazloff have been studying anthropogenic CO2 transport in the Southern Ocean. Using MITgcm’s adjoint and offline capabilities, the team find a clear correlation between the pattern of carbon uptake and oceanic vertical exchange in strong support of wind-driven primary regulation of Southern Ocean ACO2 transport…