Sea Ice

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Sea Ice

Figure 1. Arctic and Antarctic results from an eddy-permitting, MITgcm, global ocean and sea-ice simulation: Sea ice thickness distribution (color, in meters) averaged over the years 1992-2002. The ice-edge (estimated as the 15% isoline of ice concentration) retrieved from passive microwave satellite data is shown as a white contour for comparison. The top row shows the results for the Arctic Ocean and the bottom row for the Antarctic Oceans; the left column shows distributions for March and the right column for September.Work by Martin Losch of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany, Jean Michel Campin, Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill (at MIT) and Dimitris Menemenlis (JPL) extending the reach of the MITgcm in to the Polar oceans, with the development of a dynamic-thermodynamic sea-ice model and its adjoint…


Figure 1. Temperature sections after 60 hours from (top left) the fully resolved model, (bottom left) the multi-scale simulation and (bottom right) the balanced model with a simple convective adjustment algorithm.Work by Jean-Michel Campin, Chris Hill, Helen Jones and John Marshall at MIT using the MITgcm to exploit a multi scale superparameterization approach to increase efficiency in modeling oceanic deep convection (ODC)…