Artist’s impression of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b – credit: ESA/Hubble
reporting by Helen Hill for MITgcm
Maria Steinrueck is a fourth-year graduate student at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL) at the University of Arizona who uses three-dimensional numerical fluid simulations to study the atmospheres of exoplanets. A particular interest is in so-called hot Jupiters. “The tidal locking of these close-in gas giants creates strong day-night temperature contrasts which drive a fascinating atmospheric circulation dominated by an eastward equatorial jet,” explains Steinrueck. “In my research, I am examining how this circulation shapes chemical processes, such as disequilibrium chemistry, cloud or haze formation, as well as how these processes, in turn, influence the atmospheric circulation and radiative transfer.”

University of Arizona, LPL graduate student Maria Steinrueck has been using MITgcm for three years. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, cycling, and CrossFit.
In particular, Steinrueck has been looking at the impact the strong winds on hot Jupiters can be expected to have on the distribution of methane and carbon monoxide, two important infrared absorbers. “In the absence of an atmospheric circulation,” she says,” one might expect to find carbon monoxide on the day side and methane on the night side; an assumption (called equilibrium chemistry) that has been used in many models, including most 3D simulations of hot Jupiter atmospheres with realistic radiative transfer.” She continues, “Taking into account the strong winds, however, the methane and carbon monoxide abundances can be expected to be homogenized between day and night sides, as the winds transport gases faster than chemical reactions can take place.”
Hypothesizing that including this effect in her simulations might explain a discrepancy researchers see between observed and simulated light curves of hot Jupiters, Steinrueck decided to take a look at the impact of including this effect of disequilibrium chemistry in a 3D simulation of hot Jupiter HD 189733b, the closest transiting hot Jupiter to Earth found to date. Her findings, co-authored with Vivien Parmentier (Oxford University, UK), Adam Showman and Joshua Lothringer also from LPL, together with Roxana Lupu from NASA Ames are published in The Astrophysical Journal.
Steinrueck and her co-authors used the Substellar and Planetary Atmospheric Radiation and Circulation (SPARC) model (Showman et al, 2009), which uses the MITgcm hydrodynamic kernel to model the atmospheric dynamics and the radiative model of McKay, Marley, Fortney, and collaborators for the radiation (eg Marley, M. S., and C. P. McKay, 1999). All previous studies of hot Jupiters using the SPARC/MITgcm utilized radiation transfer tables calculated assuming equilibrium chemistry. To explore the effect of transport-induced disequilibrium carbon chemistry, Steinrueck et al instead assumed that the methane to carbon monoxide ratio in their runs was “quenched to a constant value throughout the entire atmosphere.”
“I found that including disequilibrium chemistry leads to significant temperature changes (larger than 50-100 K) in simulations of hot Jupiter HD 189733b,” says Steinrueck. “If carbon monoxide is the dominant carbon species in chemical disequilibrium, the day side cools and the night side heats up.”
“In the less likely methane dominated regime, the atmosphere becomes hotter than in the equilibrium chemistry case everywhere on the planet for pressures larger than 30 mbar. Looking at observations predicted from our model, I showed that disequilibrium chemistry cannot explain the observed discrepancies. In fact, while there is little effect on the light curve in the Spitzer 4.5 micron band, the day-night contrast in the 3.6 micron band becomes much smaller when including disequilibrium chemistry—the opposite of what is needed to match observations! As a result, I had to conclude that other effects not included in our model, most likely night side clouds, must be responsible for these discrepancies.”
To find out more about this work contact Maria
This Month’s Featured Publication
- Steinrueck, M. E., Parmentier, V., Showman, A. P., Lothringer, J. D., Lupu, R. E. (2019): The Effect of Disequilibrium Carbon Chemistry on the Atmospheric Circulation and Phase Curves of Hot Jupiter HD 189733b. The Astrophysical Journal, 880, 14, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab2598
Related Publication:
Showman, A.P., J.J. Fortney, Y. Lian, M.S. Marley, R.S. Freedman, H.A. Knutson, and D. Charbonneau (2009), Atmospheric circulation of hot Jupiters: Coupled radiative-dynamical general circulation model simulations of HD 189733b and HD 209458b. Astrophys. J., doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/699/1/564
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