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Exploring the Southern Ocean pCO2 Wind Stress Connection

This month we spotlight work from UK researchers led by Ben Bronselaer (formerly of Oxford, now at Princeton) who have been using MITgcm to understand the feedback between mixed-layer partial pressure of carbon dioxide pCO2 and wind stress in the Southern Ocean.

2017 Research Roundup

Happy 2018: Another new year, another research roundup! Best wishes to MITgcmers past, MITgcmers present and MITgcmers yet to come…

Shaken and Stirred

This month we spotlight research from researchers at MIT have been using MITgcm to model the interplay between vertical convection and lateral exchange due to baroclinic instability.

The Thickness of Winter Water

This month we turn our attention to scientists working at NASA JPL who have been using MITgcm to examine what sets the thickness of so-called “Winter Water” in a region of the Antarctic off shore from the Pine Island Glacier.

Plunging into Early Paleozoic Oceans with MITgcm

This month we spotlight new work by Alexandre Pohl and co-authors from France and the UK concerning ocean circulation in deep geological time. Pohl et al used a coupled ocean-atmosphere setup of the MITgcm to investigate the relationships between climate and marine biogeochemistry during the Late Ordovician (445 million years ago).

Summing Up Southern Ocean Upwelling

This month we spotlight work using MITgcm to better understand how upwelling associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current connects with atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

2015 Research Roundup

Another new year, another research roundup! Best wishes to MITgcmers past, MITgcmers present and MITgcmers yet to come…

Wind Blown

In a new study, researchers from Scripps have been using MITgcm to evaluate the role form stress across bottom topography plays in balancing the input of stress by wind at the surface.

Red Sea Crossing

Using MITgcm to investigate the origin of a mid-basin cross-over current in a study of the buoyancy driven circulation in the Red Sea.

2014 Research Roundup

It’s cold outside at MITgcm home base: Time for another annual research roundup. Grab a hot beverage and dive in…