MITgcm goes to EPSC2021

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MITgcm goes to EPSC2021

Three groups using MITgcm shared their Hot Jupiter research at this year’s European Planetary Science Congress.

Wild and Windy Exoplanets

A team of US and UK-based researchers has been using MITgcm to explore the effect of disequilibrium chemistry on the atmospheric circulation and radiative transfer characteristics of Hot Jupiters.

Understanding the Circulation on Saturn

This month we spotlight work from Canadian researchers Yakov Afanasyev and Yang Zhang who have combined MITgcm direct numerical simulations with physical fluid laboratory experiments in an exploration of what might be creating monster cyclonic vortices at the poles  of Saturn.

Cloudy with a Chance of Aliens

This month we spotlight recently published work by Vivien Parmentier and others, who have been using MITgcm to explore cloud distribution on hot Jupiters.

Forecasting the Weather on Pluto

Angela Zalucha has always had a passion for weather but tantalized by the meteorology of other planetary bodies she uses MITgcm to explore the exotic atmospheres of our neighbours in the solar system and beyond, among them the recently re-defined “plutoid” Pluto.