2016 Research Roundup

Happy 2017: Another new year, another research roundup! Best wishes to MITgcmers past, MITgcmers present and MITgcmers yet to come…

January 20, 2017 by Helen Hill

Map Check

This month we spotlight work by researchers at the University of South Florida who have been using MITgcm in a study assessing mapping error in Southern Ocean transport computed from satellite altimetry and Argo float data.

December 1, 2016 by Helen Hill

How Climate Change Might Muscle-Out Mediterranean Mussels

This month we spotlight work by a collaboration between European and US researchers, who have been using MITgcm in their study of how a changing climate could impact Mediterranean mussel beds.

October 31, 2016 by Helen Hill

Cloudy with a Chance of Aliens

This month we spotlight recently published work by Vivien Parmentier and others, who have been using MITgcm to explore cloud distribution on hot Jupiters.

September 30, 2016 by Helen Hill

The Cost of Chalk

This month we spotlight recently published work by Fanny Monteiro, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, and others, who have been using MITgcm to explore the biogeography of a class of phytoplankton with an outsized role to play in the global carbon cycle.

August 31, 2016 by Helen Hill

Reversing the Ionian

The driving mechanisms behind the decadal reversal of the Ionian Sea upper layer circulation recently sparked a considerable discussion in the Mediterranean scientific community. A new paper by Marco Reale uses MITgcm to explore.

July 29, 2016 by Helen Hill

Summing Up Southern Ocean Upwelling

This month we spotlight work using MITgcm to better understand how upwelling associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current connects with atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

June 30, 2016 by Helen Hill

2016 ECCO Joint Project Meeting

This month we spotlight the ECCO meeting held May 16-18, 2016 at MIT.

May 20, 2016 by Helen Hill

Shelf Life

This month we focus on work led by Hajoon Song, a postdoc at MIT, who has been using MITgcm to explore nutrient sources for the Patagonia Shelf Region.

April 20, 2016 by Helen Hill

Turning Ocean Mixing Upside Down

This month we report on work by Ali Mashayek and Raf Ferrari of MIT who have been using MITgcm to help them understand what sets the density structure and rate of overturning in the ocean.

March 31, 2016 by Helen Hill